Bug Kazam in Zorin OS 17

Good 2024 everyone.
This bug in Kazam in the Pro version is quite annoying.
Kazam was already showing another bug in its menu as soon as recording started. Now when you cut the screen to start recording, it turns black like it did in Xfce 8 years ago.

It looks like the latest release was in 2014, so there's a good chance that has something to do with it.

I would recommend using the built-in screen recorder (if you are using ZorinOS 17) or installed a separate software for that. I like Simple Screen Recorder and Kooha.

For me GPU recorder is great, it uses you video card to record. Works both on Desktop and in games.

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My preference is Vokoscreen-ng - it is in the Software Channel.

Think I had to install the APT version as the flatpak one kept crashing.

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I solved the problem using the Xorg session.
But the menu problem remains.

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