Built in emoji picker like in Windows?

I'm sort of new to Zorin OS and I can't find an easy to open emoji picker. (Such as the Win + . one in Windows.)
I already saw something about Ctrl + . but, that doesn't do anything.

Any help will be appreciated.

u can install this gnome extension which will add emoji picker to the panel
Emoji Selector - GNOME Shell Extensions

ZorinOS comes with a program installed called "Characters" that you can use, not sure if it's exactly what you are looking for.

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:santa::gun::policeman:<-(Release the hostages, Santa! The elves did nothing wrong!)

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The linux emojis are probably the best I've ever seen.


In the future, archeologists will wonder what these hieroglyphs meant to our society :smiley:


The best ones I ever saw were on Ultimate Edition Oz forum - even had emojis firing machine guns on tripod! Plus the usual beer cheering clinking glass emojis!

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