Camera Shutter Sound Is Missing On 17 Pro

Here we go again been holding off until some other problems were fixed before asking this as I know everyone is busy with the new installs .....

Way back in 2021 I had this problem with shutter sound not working on Gnome Screenshots ...... Aravisian fixed this by going into dconf editor and using it to add the sound ..... that solution doesn't appear to work now .....

Tried searching the web for either different capture apps or solutions to my problem ...... nada

Yes I know it may sound trivial to some but I download a lot of photo from websites and 99% of the time they need to be in order .... if I skip one it can be a PITA to try and correct the problem later so the sound helps me to know the photo was saved to file .....

Any help will be appreciated ......

You could use the integrated Screenshot Tool; that makes a Sound. When You press the the Prnt-Button it will activated. Or You go to the Icons on the Right and there open a Menu where You click on the Camera Symbol in the upper left Corner:


Zorin OS 17 brought some changes including that the screenshot tool is no longer a modular app, but an integrated gnome-shell app that is only available on Gnome D.E.

This is partly due to the default use of Wayland.
Users can switch to using Xorg Zorin desktop on X and then install a modular screenshot tool.

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Thanks for the replies folks ..... guess it looks like I'm SOL as I don't want to give up my Cinnamon DE especially after what we went through to get it installed ..... I'll just have to wait and see the screen flash each time I take a photo .....

You can install gnome-screenshot. It has a shutter sound and it works in Wayland and Xorg.

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But I have to run Gnome desktop right ..... not sure if I install Cinnamon desktop on Wayland or Xorg with the same results that being a shutter sound with out Gnome .....

Cinnamon D.E. does not use Wayland, so if using Cinnamon, you are on Xorg.

The Modular Gnome-Screenshot tool can be used on any D.E. including Cinnamon. Only the new integrated screenshot tool from Gnome cannot as it is part of the Gnome Shell, now.

I found this website ......

It explains what you said above and then gave a way to install the old GUI .....

## GNOME Screenshot Tool: How to install the old GUI

If you are using Ubuntu 22.04 and above, or any Ubuntu-based distribution with a GNOME desktop, run the following command to install it.

sudo apt install gnome-screenshot .....

So will this work to get my sound back ????? ...... or am I missing the point entirely ..... I assume I must delete the version of Screenshot I presently have on my computer ......

Well it seems like the shutter sound is working on Gnome 17 Pro but is sending all my photos to the clipboard instead of my Pictures folder .....

To get the shutter sound on Zorin 17 Pro Gnome do the following ......


*So this is what I did on my Ubuntu 22.04

Note this is for capturing an area onto the clipboard.

Install Gnome Screenshot: sudo apt install gnome-screenshot

Make sure that Xclip is installed. To install :

sudo apt install xclip

But like I said it sends all my pictures to clipboard instead of my Pictures Folder ......

Anyone know how to have them sent to Pictures instead of Clipboard ????? ..... I'm still searching .....

Oh and Xclip doesn't work with Cinnamon only Gnome just encase someone else tries it ......

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