I love Krunner. ArcMenu's Runner is similar to Krunner but ArcMenu makes my computer slower. I have 2 questions.
1- Is there a way to install Krunner?
2- If answer is no, is there a way to install just Runner of ArcMenu?
3- And again answer is no, is there a alternative of Krunner? I found Ulauncher but there is a way to install just Runner of ArcMenu, I don't use it.
The official KRunner wiki doesn't include any install info, but it its still probably possible to install it (even if installing it will probably install the whole KDE environnement)
That's very fast answer. Thank you. Is there a way to install just Runner?
I doesn't matter. If there is a way to install just ArcMenu's Runner i will use it, but if there is a no way to install just ArcMenu's Runner I will try install Krunner.
What do you call ArcMenu's "runner" ?
Because i'm finding nothing about it on the internet (maybe i'm just bad at searching)
I know ArcMenu's is what powers the Zorin Start menu, but i don't know what is the runner, except if its this :
Translation of text on screen :
Run a command
Press escape
to close
It does different things that KRunner, but it run things at least.
I never saw this, so this is the "Runner".
In wich app did you saw this Runner ? Or is this a random screenshot you found ?
Runner comes in an extension called ArcMenu. You need install ArcMenu to use Runner.
This option is under "General Settings" title.
You need turn on "Independed Runner" option. I don't know how translated to French.
I don't know if it is what You are looking for: Kfind. It is for File Searching.
I heard about Kfind from you for the first time. I think Kfind and KRunner are different.
I don't know it well, too. I only searched a bit and found that. As far as I understand that it is a Search Tool for Files. But I don't know if it delivers such a Search Line like on Your Picture.
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I've never used it, but taking a look at the gnome extensions, I came across this Launcher called Albert. Maybe it's a replacement for KRunner:
It could be used in conjunction with this extension, to change the function of the Super key.
NOTE: If you decide to test Albert, please provide feedback on the ease of installation and its features. I was interested in this tool.
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I was try install Albert but I can't. Do you know how can I install it? I found some installation guides but they aren't helpful for me.
Have you tried the referenced website on their github?
IIRC Zorin 17 is based on ubuntu 22.04, so that is the version you will need to install:
echo 'deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/manuelschneid3r/xUbuntu_22.04/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:manuelschneid3r.list
curl -fsSL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:manuelschneid3r/xUbuntu_22.04/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_manuelschneid3r.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install albert
Oh, thank you! It was working now. I was tried Ubuntu 20.04. Thank you very much!
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I think Albert launcher not bad. It is enough for me. You can add extensions. I think it is good. You can try Ulauncher. They are similar.
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I'm testing ULauncher and I like it.
Now there's nothing in POP_OS that I miss in Zorin
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