Cannot "find" Documents or Pictures

Using the Files app in Zorin 17 pro I can see the Pictures and Documents folder reference on screen. But when I mouse click either an error message pops up:
Please check spelling and try again
Please check spelling and try again

Other folders, like downloads, videos, trash etc. works fine. Any ideas of what has gone wrong?

Try check the file user-dirs file in .config if it set up correctly or corupted.

All I can find in 'Administrator root/ root/ .config' is a folder "pulse", and a file in "pulse" named with a string of characters.

Coming from Windows I am not up on Linux file/folder structures and permissions. Is the .config you refer to somewhere else?

Sorry, should be more specific. it should be ~/.config which are hidden in your home directory. You can set Nautilus (Gnomes file browser) to see hidden files and folderes.

Here is what I found


I edited the file, added Documents and Pictures where they should have been and saved it. That fixed it.
Thank You


I marked your last post #5 as "Solution". Zab

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