Cannot set taskbar to show days of the week (at date & time section)

I had just installed Zorin OS 16 Pro but cannot see a way to configure taskbar date & time section to show weekday. Is that not available in this version?

Hello and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:
I slightly touched up the subject of this thread for clarification.
If you click on the date/time on the Taskbar, you will see the days of the week. But I think you want to see it without clicking on anything I suppose.

OK, I found a way.
First, you need to install dconf-editor

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Then open dconf-editor:
Screenshot from 2021-08-23 17-00-04

Enable Show weekday in clock.

I just tested on my Zorin 16, it works.
Screenshot from 2021-08-23 17-02-56

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Just set the weekday option from the "Top Bar" section in Tweaks (GNOME Tweaks)

Marked solution. 222

Thank you very much indeed!