Can't copy/move files to external drive Z16 pro

Well, thanks to you I think I've found the issue. Remounting did nothing. Reinstalling Zorin (bc of the other multiple issues) also didn't help. But

sudo ntfsfix /media/_____

Returned "Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk."

So, very sorry to trouble you guys with this. I'll have to take it over to Windows for a fix'n.

When I moved over to Zorin OS from Windows (Which was not very long ago) I had as much trouble. It was trying to say the least. But it did not take long before things really got better and took off.
Swarfendor and others on the old ZorinGroup Forum helped a great deal.

We don't always have all the answers or fast solutions... Sometimes, we get it wrong, or don't have enough information or don't know enough even.
But you're not going this journey alone.

Welcome to Linux. :slight_smile:

Awww! That means so much. Thank you!! Truly. It's personally important to me to get off Google, Windows and the likes... and this transition hasn't been easy. I can't express how much your (and everyone's) support here has meant to me.

The accumulated knowledge you all share - perfect, fast, right, or not - is so greatly needed and appreciated.

Your story gives me encouragement to stick through this bumpy start. Thank you!! :pray:


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