Change mouse cursor on Zorin OS 16

Hi everyone ! I tried to change my mouse cursor whith oxygen-cursor-theme bun no result. This package its installed but I don't know what should I type on Terminal... this it's what I should do but I have no idea what should type on terminal :
"To apply the theme to a single application, perform the following:
sudo snap connect [snap-you-want-to-theme]:icon-themes oxygen-cursors:icon-themes
To apply to all applications run the following command. Thanks to @flexiondotorg for the handy loop.
for plug in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:icon-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${plug} oxygen-cursors:icon-themes; done ". I please you to help me.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Did you do this under KDE, or regular Zorin? For this is a KDE install post. For KDE questions you will want to look under KDE help forums.
Also, did you do a search on the Zorin forum to look for this issue?


Thanks for your answers but I mention I'd downloaded Oxygen Cursor from SOFTWARE but I can't "translate" what I should type in Terminal !

"To apply the theme to a single application, perform the following:
sudo snap connect [snap-you-want-to-theme]:icon-themes oxygen-cursors:icon-themes
To apply to all applications run the following command.
for plug in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:icon-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${plug} oxygen-cursors:icon-themes; done ".

If I were you, I'd avoid the snap package. Install the standard package with:

sudo apt install oxygen-cursor-theme oxygen-cursor-theme-extra

It will not be changed automatically. You select it using the Tweak tool.


This is exactly right. Using Snap would only complicate that greatly. Changing the mouse cursor does not require any terminal commands.

This command:

(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:icon-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${plug} oxygen-cursors:icon-themes; done

May enable the snap-installed cursor theme across all applications, but it most likely will enable it only in most or even some applications, instead of all.

The solution offered by Topaz really is the way to go.


@TOPAZ : your answer works !! Thank you for your answer .


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