Aravisian, I've read under General Help that you've solved the request for
I too am trying to find a way to change this emblem but,
still when I navigate to the directories "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" and "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps". - There is no Zorin emblem or Zorin...svg file located.
But I have found this emblem located in; /usr/share/icons/Zorin/scalable/places under filename " start-here-symbolic.svg". Am I looking in the wrong place?
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Nope. It may be a difference between Zorin 15 and that I use Lite.
For example, I currently have the icon for it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic for zorinmenu-lite
Try altering the one you found and see what happens.
The start-here
icon is the age old App Menu Icon.
FYI, Aravisian is right, you know how I know? Well, I am so glad you asked! 
Back in Zorin OS 12.4, I wasn't happy with my theme. Aravisian says, lets install XFCE, and so thy will be done, with a wave of my hand, XFCE was installed. Ohhhh, but we didn't stop there. Yes, there's more juicy details...
Aravisian said, now that we've magically transformed your Zorin OS to XFCE with the customisable DE, we shall commence installing, WHISKER MENU! With another wave of my hand, Whisker Menu was then installed.
A few whisker twiddling here, a twiddle there, and a few theme files provided by the amazing Aravisian, I had a fully themed and operational menu station. Nobody was gonna stop me now.
Anyways, thats my story, hope you enjoyed it. 
Whisker menu rulz 
I always swap Zorin menu with it in Zorin Lite.
I can do some very strange things with Whiskermenu and the cunning use of Xdotool and Wmctrl
Yes StarTreker, you know I enjoy your comments, hahaha.
Aravisian, I've changed the file but still no difference. So I guess the start menu button uses a different file...
Take a look in the Icon Set /usr/share/icons/Zorin/48x48/places.
There are two:
and gnome-main-menu.png
I had to logout to try your suggestions and later on I realized I could have also tried ALT F2 + r to refresh the desktop.
Tried to change the files and also the distributor-logo.png - but no luck, nothing changed. But then again these png's are coloured blue, and why do want to use the 48x48 folder?
From this comment, I take it that the icons showing on gnome-panel are grey, not blue?
That really only leaves the symbolic icon you changed.
Yep, on the panel - the icon is grey (see the printscreen) - that's why I wondered why you suggested using the blue coloured png's and the 48x48 folder.
I've already changed the symbolic icon with no good result. This meaning there's no further hope?
No hope, ok C3PO, what kind of talk is that?

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How the ...., do you find these pictures so fast and having them match the remarks. Like I said before the Art director you are, hahaha.
With hope, I meant I don't feel like searching trough the icon folders to find the right file, thats why I hoped Aravisian knew the about the one.
I think its this guy...
Thanks buddy, I like to entertain people, and IDK, I guess I have a nack for finding things quickly.
See... In older Gnome: Start-here
In XFCE: the direct icon assigned to the app menu or Start-here
I am at a loss. New Gnome= hard to customize.
Great, but thats not the "one" the intended to use, lol.
Like said you are a real treat (not threat) and I guess you have the gravy (don't have matching picture though, I'm not that fast, older than you think)
With "older Gnome" you mean Zorin 15.3?
Still thanks a lot for trying to figure this one out.
Yes I do have the gravy, just not on me, but all over my hashbrowns this morning.

I will keep looking into it. It may be easier for me to log into Gnome and actively try changing the app menu Icon...
Well, now I'm interested how you do that. Because this is the second time you said that to me. "Log into Gnome" does this mean that you use more computers at the same time, or....?
And of course I thank you in advance.
I too will try to look for this file tomorrow, guess it's to late now and my energy level is slooooooowwwly decreasing.
I use XFCE Desktop or Cinnamon Desktop on Zorin OS, not Gnome Desktop.