Changing e-mail what about my license?

Hello all!
Propably my main account on @gmail is hacked and all password.
I am waiting from some websides support about how forward license keys what i bought.
I am wondering how i can moving forward my license to a new e-mail or recovery my license.
Still I don't taken suggestion about my gmail account what is connected with many another epic,steam, account e-mail and some websides where this main @gmail email was registered and synchronize?
I propably go to yahoo or proton and propably change webbrowser.
I reading if you have gmail account all password are synchronize only with google chrome. Isn't that commercial and pressing a people ?
Well start writing password in notes not inside internet.
If you have some ideas feel free to any suggestion.
I will need delete many accounts if this necessary.

Yes. It wrote passwords but not all but the link is very usefull. Thank you @catlikehana
About licenses they are in messages from bought products. Probably i can copy them or move forward to another account.
I will waiting little to check what will be on my main @gmail account.

I don't use browser password managers - chrome edge ect - as they sync to your email accounts making it problematic if your account gets compromised - also useful if you get a new computer everything just works and signs in. I've recently switched to bitwarden after lastpass was sold and started on their corporate bs - something to consider.
It also has a vault for storing information and Secure notes - i have several product keys and other important things stored in them

For the gmail - I had my gmail compromised a number of years ago, and I was able to get it sorted out with support had to show id and stuff - but i've heard they are less responsive and helpful nowadays.

For the zorin licence information you can try to submit a support request through the website -


Propably i will create e-mail in proton, then will login to old e-mail and edit to put new e-mail. I also will deleted all accounts not used long time ago and change every password on new account e-mail. I also will be taken double verification with my mobile. With Zorin 17 propably buying on new account but I deleted PayPal account for safety. I will taken choiced wisely and not rush. I don't checked if here i can get double verification account. I wrote to the support, where my account was hacked but some have identified number with e-mail what cannot be changed. Probably here is the same when buying license Pro.

This works ..... I had to do this a few days ago when I wanted to install Zorin Pro Lite using Zorin 16.3 Pro ..... worked flawlessly and only took a few minutes and it was in my mail box ..... :+1:

I will check if on my e-post coming more things with some suspicion or some warnings.
I mostly will taken fresh installation to create a new account e-mail. I reading steam rules if i deleted my account i lost all my a games what i bought.

That's the reason to have two step security on everything. In Steam I have to approve the login via my phone.


Yes. I have that before but my account was stolen. Maybe because some password was leaked when i checked pwned webside.

The problem I don't know exactly what information could be leaked that why I considered fresh install Zorrin Pro - back to beginners distribution.
I have fast pc and still wondering what type Zorin Pro Gnome or XFCE?
One what i understable Linus Torvalds was used a Gnome3 in Fedora 36 but next versions Fedora he going with KDE.
In meantime I tested fedora,arch and mx linux also mint where that updates from version 21.1 21.2 21.3 mostly need fresh installation.
I should choice that because I am tired debian wonderfull distribution are very good for servers but not for newer hardware.
Fedora and arch using recomendation kde desktop and newest software.
For me like a simple user I don't need that.

Linus Torvalds bounces from one desktop to another the way I change my socks.:wink:

Though admittedly, he has made similar comments about Gnome that I have. :zipper_mouth_face:


I remember if not sure he stop using a Gnome with next updates because was to heavy, and more hard to usable. I can be wrong.
I have experience with Gnome software and some app taken longer time from XFCE.
Did gnome is better this time or still buggy and freezing?
XFCE maybe is simple but what i remember working better.
Something change about that two desktop enviroments in Zorin distribution?
Which one should I go XFCE or Gnome?
I know i can download a desktop enviroment on Zorin.
Which version when I example installing a Gnome or XFCE - isn't it will be some conflict with packages? My pc have that hardware.


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