Chrome "installed apps"

Hello there,

I don't know, it is Zorin or Chrome error, but some time ago, if i create a Chrome desktop app, it not generate app icon on tray.

In the past, it work well, it say the app icon on tray, not chrome one.

When you look to the Chrome Icon in Your Dock you will see that there are 2 Dots at the bottom. That are the Markers and show that 2 Windows are active. You don't get 2 Icons.


Yeah, but in the past, it generate a separate icon on tray, same as app icon.

Similar with this problem:

On app list, it show correctly:

Hmm it definatly it Wayland problem...

if i start chrome app with Xwayland, it seems work well:

Exec=flatpak 'run' '--command=/app/bin/chrome' '' '--profile-directory=Default' '--app-id=cinhimbnkkaeohfgghhklpknlkffjgod'

With native Wayland mode, the above error happen...

Exec=flatpak 'run' '--command=/app/bin/chrome' '' '--profile-directory=Default' '--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL' '--ozone-platform=wayland' '--use-gl=angle' '--use-angle=gl' '--app-id=cinhimbnkkaeohfgghhklpknlkffjgod'

Do You use Dash To Dock on Your Desktop?


I use Zorin 17 Pro built in Mac style.

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Ah, okay. Maybe it is a Combination of Chrome and Wayland. Maybe it will detect when it is active that it is a Chrome File and so only shows it with the Chrome Symbol on the Dock.

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