Clock on the desktop

Guys, I'll ask how to get a clock like the one in the screenshot, but I'd like it in a different place :wink: Sorry for the trivial questions, but I'm just getting to know this system and learning it

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Unfortunately I downloaded it but I still don't know how to install it :frowning:

You need to install Gnome extension app, then gnome extension for your browser to enable it.

That image looks more like Conky to me (Conky is similar to Rainmeter on Windows OS).

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As an Alternative to @Storm's Way, you could use the so called Extension Manager. You can find the Program in the Gnome Software Store:

Please don't be irritated by the Language; the blue Puzzle Piece is the important Thing. With this You can manage Your Extensions and when You go to the ''Browse'' Tab you can search and install Extensions.