Colorful icons in zorin-os 15.3

I've got os15.3 on a very old laptop and the desktop icons are bright and colorful. I have zorin 17 on another pc and the icons are very dull. Just wondering why why the downgrade in the newer version?

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Could You make a Screenshot to have a Comparison?

Just a shot in the dark here, if you have an Nvidia card in the other computer, you may want to make sure you are using your Nvidia GPU, and that your driver is active for it here...

If you do have an Nvidia GPU as suggested, in regards to image clarity, make sure that your display is using the proper refresh rate, as that matters a lot! You can adjust refresh rate and clarity based settings in Nvidia X Server Settings.

I believe it has been commented on before in feedback section.

Default (Adwaita):


Hmm ... the Icons look good for me. What exactly is now the Problem for You?

The folders do look a bit saturated (here's mine):

If you go to Zorin Appearance -> Theme -> Other -> Reset to defaults, does that help?

Isn't this simply a Style Change from Zorin 15 over 16 to 17?

Hello all out there who are nice enough to respond! The clip that I sent is on the OLDER Zorin 15.3. My newer versions look like the clip from zenzen. Looks like a downgrade to me. There are no settings option in the newer os to make it look anywhere near as colorful as the older version - just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? Thanks again!

You could try to copy the old Icons from Zorin 15 and use them.


Oh, I see, I thought there was something wrong with the current icon set... but it appears that you just don't like it :smiley:

As @Ponce-De-Leon suggests, you can copy over the files from Zorin OS 15 (you'd need to boot it up again) and apply the icon set. You will find them in /usr/share/icons I think?

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Will try it, Thanks

I would DM Aravisian, he is our resident complete system theamer guy. He has made some really high end system themes, themes that you won't just find anywhere, and he will be able to direct you to his themes packages, where you can pick something out that suits you, then he can direct you on how to install.

Additionally, Storm on here, is also a themer of the icon sort, so if all you want is new icons, you can then talk to him, and you can pick out something you like, and he can direct you how to install them as well.

Thats one of the many reasons why Linux is better then Windows or MAC, you can actually theme the entire system, you don't just have to accept whatever is crammed down your throat, the like the mega corpo's do.

Not so much anymore...
It is slipping away...

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Colorful Icon Themes for Gnome

Here are some colorful icon themes for GNOME:

  • WhiteSur : This theme replicates the aesthetics of macOS Big Sur, offering a meticulous design that captures the essence of macOS on Linux. It seamlessly integrates with the GNOME desktop, providing a cohesive and elegant experience. To install, download the latest release and move the extracted folder to the hidden ~/.icons folder in your Home directory.
  • Qogir : Based on the Arc, Faba, and Tela icon sets, Qogir is a flat colorful design icon theme for Linux desktops. It maintains a balance between soft and inviting and serious and professional, making it a fine icon set even without the Qogir GTK theme. You can download the latest version and place it in the ~/.icons directory.
  • Obsidian : A continuation of the popular Faenza icon theme, Obsidian embraces gloss, lighting effects, and bevels, giving it a distinctive "tiled" look. It supports a wide range of applications and can be installed by downloading the latest version and moving the top-level folder to the ~/.icons directory.
  • Numix : Part of the Numix Project, this theme draws inspiration from Elementary, Humanity, and GNOME themes. It integrates well with application-specific icon themes like Numix Circle or Numix Square. You can install Numix via the official Numix PPA for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and above.
  • Papirus : Known for its vibrant and crisp colors, Papirus offers various options including Papirus, Papirus Dark, and Papirus Light. It is SVG-based, ensuring sharp icons on various screen resolutions. Install Papirus using the official Papirus PPA.
  • Fluent : This modern and 3D-style icon theme offers 7 color variants, including green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, and yellow. Fluent is compatible with both GNOME and Cinnamon desktops and can be installed by downloading the compressed files and placing them in the appropriate directory.
  • GNOME-Colors : A project aiming to make the GNOME desktop elegant, consistent, and colorful, GNOME-Colors offers seven full color-schemes: Brave (Blue), Human (Orange), Wine (Red), Noble (Purple), Wise (Green), Dust (Chocolate), and Illustrious (Pink). You can customize the colors from source, making it highly flexible.

These themes provide a range of styles and colors, allowing you to customize your GNOME desktop to your liking.

best icon themes for Ubuntu

WhiteSur Icon Theme Applied to Ubuntu

Qogir icon theme for Linux

Shadows Icon Theme in Ubuntu Dock and Nautilus File Manager

Full Icon Themes -

8 Best Icon Themes for Ubuntu & Linux Mint - OMG! Ubuntu

The best Icon Themes for Linux. WhiteSur | by Sardor Keldimurodov | Medium

GitHub - gnome-colors/gnome-colors: A complete, multi-colored suite of themes and icons for Linux

GitHub - themix-project/gnome-colors-icon-theme: A complete, multi-colored suite of themes and icons for Linux

r/gnome on Reddit: What are some good gnome themes icons even sounds to try?

gnome-colors package : Ubuntu

20 Best Icon Themes for Ubuntu and Other Linux

GitHub - GNOME/adwaita-icon-theme: Read-only mirror of

17 Best Icon Themes For Ubuntu and Other Linux

SUSE Package Hub - gnome-colors-icon-theme

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