Comparison Zorin16 vs Zorin17

Anyone taken a comparison how much rocket is in Zorin 17 from Zorin 16?
The design on Core 16 and 17 are so similar.
More themes desktop.
Newest kernel in Zorin 17
Zorin 17 gived more funcionality from Zorin 16?

Don't forget the newer Gnome Version, newest Gnome Software Center, the Ubuntu 22.04 Base and with that the Sources.

I will be propably more testing when it comes to my new setup what I bought.
I am not to much fan a Gnome.

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Yeah, Gnome is ... special. I like the Gnome Desktop but not all of the Decision's from the Developers. Yes, they have there Vision. I understand that. But with some Things ... I don't know why this should be better. So, then comes the Gnome Extension's on the Field. That helps a lot but it is sad that it is necessary that Third-Party Developers must compense it.

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You may need to define "functionality".
Are you referring to the availability of extensions and the performance?
Are you referring to how well 17 offers performance of the desktop with Stam Gaming and graphical design while on Wayland?
Are you referring to the availability of features and custom settings with 16 compared to 17?

I cannot expect something in Zorin 16 what is now linux world focused on Wayland.
I mean they are similar with using webbrowser, gaming and software.
Yes they could be diffrent versions ssoftware also in Zorin 17 could be more support drivers and more fixed bugs with security.
The both are still support then mostly the diffrents are design and funcionality to purpouse how it need to be working. Always every step forward in linux world.
Newer Gnome with more functions.

17 runs smooth on both old and new metal - though all my HDs are ssd style. Even on 17yr old metal styled metal. 16 had caveats of moving to an advanced kernel, and other hopes to make things work. Right out of the gate 17 is smooth and easy for all my family's machines - running either dual-boot or singularly. Couldn't be more happy with this evolution. Keep up the great work Zorin!

Try yourself. I don't think that it is difficult for you to compare 16 and 17. Why do you compare them? If you want to tell others why 17 is better than 16, it should be done by your own words. If you really understand how great Zorin OS is, you should be able to explain it.

They are the same with some new things Gnome44.
Newer kernel.
New themes DE.
The 16 version was very good then 17 is also the same.
If you reading little up I have message - i am waiting on new setup.