Concerns about Zorin 17 development

The Zorin's ensure a stable, responsive and functioning OS. They have already implemented fixes and restored functionality in gnome on past releases by way of extensions that also include customization. I expect, if they are using gnome 4.? You will notice things working where they don't on other distros.

They are human, so some things may not be restored to working, but for the most part, this is the magic they work in their distro.

Interesting! AI may be the future. I have Makulu Shift installed on an old Desktop, as it has a whole number of desktop layouts that will change in seconds. The OS resembles Zorin Pro, but lacks the stability I expect. I wouldn't expect the Zorin Team to include AI (Electra) until it was really polished.

I reading IA will be everywhere in W12 implement in webbrowser and operating system inside. Propably will be exchange Cortana.

That's all we need... people don't know anything about their computers now... and we'll have to argue with them to comply?! I don't need my machine thinking for itself. I'm fine doing that for it.

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For me this is a control user and IA can simply send information to corporation without our knowledge. IA is like a apple where Eva taken from a snake - "evil".

I wouldn't call AI evil. It's currently not more than novelty. It's like installing a toddler in your machine. It may be fine, but if it acts out, what does it have access to and what can you do about it.

There may become a time when AI is useful in troubleshooting and diagnoses, creativity and other possibilities. Right now, though, while it's in its infancy. The chances of it breaking something out not adapting to your changes in the computers use, as well as the limitations of what it is capable of, do not warrant the dedication of resources to something that must learn to operate efficiently and productively.

I wouldn't call it evil. I would call it shortsighted. Which is a very human trend.

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But IA could help people like a similar Hawking.

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