Contacts App Not Populating Google Contacts

Hello all. I have a fresh install of Zorin OS 16.2 Pro, I've logged into my Google account using the online accounts feature in settings. The "Contacts" app shows no contacts though even though I'm logged into it. Any idea what the problem could be?

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This is probably Google being silly. I had no issues setting up my gmail in Evolution which I rarely use - have to use it for an elderly relative to access energy company details. When I opened Evolution a few weeks ago, it claims the developer of Evolution was not allowing Contacts to be updated - I suspect the latter - if you are not using official Google crud then they won't play ball. Of course, I could be wrong!

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It could be, but I've been disto hopping lately (virtual machines), and the same app in Fedora works fine. So I'm not sure what the issue could be using Zorin.

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You need to uninstall Evolution and Contact from a fresh Zorin install. Then reinstall the flatpak versions from the Zorin Store. Then you'll see you Google Contacts function normally again.

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Interesting - I can live without contacts as much as I can live without flatpak and snap!


Just tried this, and the contacts and emails show up in Evolution, just not the contacts app. Contacts version is 43.


A manual sync/contacts export? Just suggesting, I don't use Contacts.

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