Cosmic DE - What a nice refreshment

The last couple of hours I have been playing with Cosmic DE with Nvidia driver 560 on wayland. There's still stuff that needs to be done before it can hit stable. But if you know you way around commandline it's no problem to navigate and setup a useable interface.
Downside is that their file browser doesn't suppoprt .svg files yet, but I can handle it.

Don't mind the messy-ness of the screenshot, I'm learning the new DE.


Does it have alternate layouts like Zorin does, or some way to customise the layout? Have to say I'm really not a fan of the gnome / Mac layout so if that's all there is I won't be trying out Cosmic on my desktop PC for a long, long time.

Might give it a go on my tablet once it hits stable, see how the touch and trackpad gesture support checks out, so hopefully I can abandon vanilla gnome there.

You can move everything around if you wish out of the box.

Now with a little help from Inkscape and set Cosmic up on how I like it.


Cosmic had made a good first Impression to me - especially the built-in Customization Options. But I will try it first when it is ready to enjoy the full Experience.


Perhaps we can get a Zorin Cosmic instead of XFCE, now that XFCE will be phasing out in a couple of years? That would be cool.


Yes, that is an interesting Idea. Maybe first as a second Option and when it would be run well as a Replacement for Gnome.

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I like the idea, though there's plenty of code already written that would need porting to Cosmic, and that will take some time. But I agree, it might just be the future of Zorin OS and other distributions, replacing even Gnome.

Impressive, looks great!. Cosmic will be the standard for most distro's using gnome. I would bet money on it.

Gnome is finished when Cosmic gets released.

Maybe not directly. But it has Potential to be a good Replacement. Even when it has a final Release there will be work for it. But maybe 1 or 2 Years after it, it could be on a Level which - depending what Gnome do in this Time - can be a change Gnome's Status. But we will see what the Future brings.

One or two years after release is very optimistic. Keep in mind that a new DE means that developers need to learn how to write code that targets the new API.

Extensions and themes need to be written for Cosmic... and it would be terrible move for the company-backed distributions to drop support on those users who rely on Gnome.
It's also very likely that a lot of bugs will be found during the first months of "real world" testing. This will slow down the initial influx of new users who are eager to try it.

But I very much prefer the wait for a finished product that is stable and reliable. Only then it would make sense to consider it as an alternative, at least in the context of distributions like Zorin OS.

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