Cybernetic is a dark and futuristic icon theme for Gnome, Budgie and XFCE. 9 different colors will be available to fit most wallpapers (except bright ones). All made in Inkscape.
Cybernetic is a dark and futuristic icon theme for Gnome, Budgie and XFCE. 9 different colors will be available to fit most wallpapers (except bright ones). All made in Inkscape.
I only need to complete devices icons of Blue, then I'm set to convert them into different color packs.
Now is a good time to wish/request apps icons, as the first version will only have the most basic as a start (plus the one I use ofcause).
The color conversion has started. It's a bit monotone job and it take a little time to change the colors of every script I run through the terminal.
Cybernetic is now released!!!
Get it here, and remember too vote it up if you like it.
No requests? Get as the first to request apps icons. They will be added to the next update.
Plenty of downloads though.
I took a Look on Your white Version. But I must say it looks not really white-ish for me, more like a lighter blue Version. Please don't understand me wrong: It doesn't look bad; it is cool.
And for new Icons I would suggest the following:
As I was on Your gnome-look/Pling Site I saw a couple other Icon Sets. There was one called Winter. But there stand that it is only for Budgie, Deepin and Elementary. When I choose the Budgie Version; should this work with Zorin's Gnome, too?
For Gnome I had found the Mystique Desktop Theme and the Mystique Icon Set. I saw it and I thought ''Looks interesting, I will try it''. But when I want download it, I get an Error Message. Isn't this anymore available?
I know - It was lack of color name, which is why I call it white.
It's old, very old and unmaintained. Some of my firest works. Not recommendable.
It should be available. Most a be a blob.
All done on the list and will be on the next update.
Wow, how fast! Do You not sleep?
Whe I click on the Link to download the Mystique Theme or Icon Set I get the normal ''Prepare to download'' Window with the Countdown. When the Countdown is over and I click on the Download Button there comes the following Page:
Try my Github instead:
Okay, thank You. I will try it.
A quick Update. I've downloaded the Mystique Theme and Icon Set. The Theme unfortunately doesn't look right but it doesn't surprises me becaue it isn't made for Gnome 43.
The Icon work well. And it looks really cool. And there are only 4 Icons missing. For an older Set really good. There is only one Problem with some ... I guess ... symbolic Icons:
You see that there are dark Icons on dark Grounds. But I will see if I can play with some symbolic Icons from another Icon Set (Fluent Icon Set) and try that they work on Yours.
Huge update to the icon theme.
Tested: Fedora Gnome & Budgie
Apps: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code OSS,
Apps: Ferdi, Opera, Bitwarden, Blender, Bitwig Studio,
Apps: Discord, Mega, Protonmail, ProtonVPN, Anydesk,
Apps: Dconf, Gnome Photos, Alacarte, ClamAV, Gufw,
Apps: Totem, Gnome Sound Recorder, Psensor, synaptic,
Apps: VLC, Gnome Simple Scan, Gnome Tour, Gnome Maps,
Apps: Gnome Contact, Cheese, Fedora Media Writer,
Apps: Gnome Characters, abrt, Snapshot, Gnome Connection,
Apps: Gnome Logs, Darktable, Remmina, Deja-Dup, Wine,
Apps: Krita, Eyedropper, Collision, Fre:AC, Pantheon Tweaks,
Games: (Steam) V Rising, (Steam) Song of Conquest,
Your Stormtrooper and Gaia Sets are online too I saw. I'm excited.