/dev/sda2 clean files blocks stuck


i am using , mi laptop 14 horizon edition , i disabled the secure boot option , but i dont see any SGX option in my bios ,

also when i used to clean boot linux , i was not facing any issue like that , but after i dual boot win/linux and tried to delete windos with ubuntu delete tool , since then m getting this issue ,

SGX is Intel Secure Guard Extension. It is only available with (U)EFI booting systems, not Legacy MBR.
It may show in BIOS as Software Guard Extensions.

my system in uefi only ,and also secure boot is disabled

This looks like a simplified BIOS Settings screen. Some Manufacturers only provide a simplified version and a user must manually select the Advanced BIOS Settings. How to do so is manufacturer dependent and some manufacturers do not offer it, locking the user out.
What is your Make and Model of computer?

mi laptop 14 horizon edition

now m able to enable SGX via GitHub - intel/sgx-software-enable ,

now only issue with the sd2 clean file

Are you able to boot up normally after seeing that screen?
Do you use Nvidia Graphics card?

That message itself is harmless and shows that all files are clean without errors.
It is likely unrelated if you are having another issue.

nope i cant boot normally , i have to press control + alt + delete to get into boot menu and select zorin .

yes i hv nvidia graphic card and also removed the drivers for that , but facing same issue

Did you reinstall them after removing them?

sudo ubuntu-drivers install

Which Nvidia card do you have?

  1. not reinstalled ,
    2 . NVIDIA® GeForce® MX350

  2. installing now

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after reinstalling drivers , same issue

Have you tried adding the nomodeset parameter?

done trying this

solution to this to start normally

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Arrow key down to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and remove quiet splash parameter within the quotation tags. For example
it would look like:

sudo update-grub

this will show multiple line of code , but boot normally

thanks everyone my problem is solved now

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I marked your post as the solution.

I will point out that quiet parameter means non-verbose - which is why you will see lines of code.
The splash parameter sets Plymouth. splash screen. Neither of these will halt boot if enabled.
So please keep an eye on this.

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just tried this not working for me , still getting issue with bootup , so i will stick to above marked solution by you

also tried this after your response

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" more running lines of codes


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" less running lines of codes

but system boot properly any of these

In both of the screenshot you have shared above I still see the sequence ^[[23~ . Did you check your keyboard to fix the button which is causing it?

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i checked it on online keyboard chck ,my 2 function keys are not working f7 & 711

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I already had suspected F11.

Try one thing, take a tweezer or something similar. then place it in little gap between the key and the board. Gently pull it a little up (don't use too much force) and hold for 5sec then release. Do the same for both non-working keys.

This sometimes helps fixing the Sticking key but the result is not guaranteed.


thanks but no luck

You could try a few drops of Isopropyl Alcohol (cleaning fluid) around and under the stuck keys and tap them to see if that helps. Then hold keyboard upside down and shake out any surplus fluid.

If nothing is working then Keyboard replacement is the last option for you.

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