Few days ago, there was a zorin core update.
Suddenly all program windows that open, went fullscreen mode.
Where to disable this behavior? This should not be default at FHD screen solutions and would be a mess on 4k screens.
Few days ago, there was a zorin core update.
Suddenly all program windows that open, went fullscreen mode.
Where to disable this behavior? This should not be default at FHD screen solutions and would be a mess on 4k screens.
I have moved to General Help as you are seeking help with your full screen change of behaviour since an update. Did that include a OS kernel update maybe.
I would first suggest you boot to grub menu,
select "Additional Options for Zorin"
choose the previous kernel generic version, boot that and see if the issue exists on the older kernel.
The kernel did not help and i found out that only gtk programs are affected. So i did install the dconf-editor and found the key
org.gnome.mutter.auto-maximize was set to true. But found this also on my last Linuxmint machine. So some deb package had changed this key lately.
But have no clue, where in the zorin config this key can be switched, possible by a desktop theme. Dconf-Editor allow to turn it around.
If your key edit was the fix, can you please mark your last post as Solution.