Distro hopping again

So got an itch again ,and thought lemme go with an arch distro ...
So far so good ,installed and running.
I'll see how it goes ,new things to learn yay (pun intended lol)


newer kernel , newer xfce . pretty good so far...

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If you want to learn more new things on your distro hop journey.
Have a look at Void Linux.


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i gave it a look see , and found

don't think i'm ready for that :grin:

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If you want to be totally rad, try Artix Linux - it doesn't use systemd like Arch or Endeavour OS. I would have stuck with it but couldn't install my Canon printer.

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lol not ready to go rad ,plus i don't care bout printers cause i have none
just wanted to try arch cause it sounded bit more difficult than Debian based .
endeavour looked "tamed" to me plus one could choose from like 10 DE at install, i chose xfce obviously lol

EasyOs is a good one to have.
Runs insanely fast on a USB 3 stick.


hmmm the cli is different , finally figured out difference between pacman and yay
let the installations begin :grin:

I prefer Solus over any (most) Arch distros. Barebone arch is also good in my book.


That sounds super interesting. Not a fork? Runit!!!! Custom package manager with BSD licensing?!?!?!? Omg where do I sign up to see this chimera???

I actually tried to start with a Gentoo install last night. Read though the first part of the instructions before fleeing in terror. <_<

g**damn this terminal is FAST.
never seen anything like it lol , install /update /upgrade /whatever in seconds :star_struck:

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Artix is not that rad. It broke off from arch and uses it's own repos. My favourite was Plasma edition:


oh btw, this was the 1st time ever i could manage to boot from a usb. all other times i tried to install some distro it failed and i could only get it going with writing iso to a dvd and boot from dvd disk.
but ive learned about ventoy here , used it and booted from my ventoy usb with no probz .


now hold up hold up lol lemme get this under my belt before i try more new things .
i've just installed it and poking around , don't wanna start hopping again for no reason if this distro seems to work great so far



Lol I meant more like this:

but I actually have heard of Chimera Linux recently on a topic I was reading on the FreeBSD forum.

Sounds like you are having one heck of a lot of fun over there! I picture your fun like hopping on a snow sled, as you are going down a mountain saying woohoo.

Watch out for that tree! Thanks for the warning, I almost clipped that! And you exit your triumphant return, as you go through a Tori gate. Well, it is an Arch of a sort. <<< --- HEHE :crazy_face:

I am glad you are enjoying your systems snappy behavior, on your Arch based distro. And you mentioned its use of Pacman? This is a Pacman

pacman love GIF

I must admit though, I'm fascinated by your witness statement, in regards to the speed of the Arch terminal. Have fun!

As far as I heard and read, it seems that Endeavour OS is a good Entry Point for Arch.

I tried Endeavour for a few months, and it was very nice. Unfortunately at one point it went bananas on me and had to replace it. You'll never guess what I installed, instead :sunglasses: