Dock/Plank - icon magnification feature

I just started using Zorin Pro and I would like to customize my dock/plank.
I would like to the icons to magnify when I move the pointers over them, like the magnification option for the MacOS dock. I can see the Ubuntu Budgie has that come in as default.
Is there anyway to do this customization?

You could install Plank and use that instead of the default 'Dash'.

Do I need to uninstall "Dash" or switch it off for the installed Plank to take over? Is Plank an extension that I get from Gnome extension or is it an app that I download from the app centre?

You can get it via synaptic package manager (get this in Software), or via terminal. First:

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt install plank

Then reboot for changes to take effect.

You could move Dash to a different position and hide it, or just place it at the top of the screen.


Thanks. I have done that and I can see Plank being installed as an app but even after I reboot, nothing happens after I clicked on it... Also strangely I cannot find the app in "software" even though I can see it being installed as an app?

Open a terminal and enter:


then press enter.


It said only X11 environments are supported...

Ok so logout, select your username then click on the cog and choose Zorin on xorg.


If You have the Extension Manager installed, You can turn it off there.

There is a Gnome Extension called Dash To Plank which depends on Plank. So, you have to install Plank first and then this Extension. But that only works on X11, too.


Thanks. I found out that the default dock is an extension that can be switched off under Gnome extensions (Built in extension - Zorin Dash)

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Just realized Ponce was saying the same thing but being the noob that I am I didn't realize the extension manager is essentially the same thing as the gnome extensions!

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