Does EasyEffects Work on Zorin 17?

I installed Easyeffects from Flathub. But it doesn't work. When i use Linux Mint, Easyeffects works on LM. What can i do to make Easyeffects work on Zorin 17?

Maybe it is a Permission Issue because it is a Flatpak. You could try it with Flatseal and activate there for the Program the Rights under ''Filesystem''.

could read through this thread and see if helps

Thank you so much. This page helped to solve my problem. Now Easyeffects is working :+1:
This page:

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I installed easyeffects on Q40S just by using Synaptic Package Manager. I have removed Pipewire and the plumber packages but not the dependent bits.

Don't know how you use it!

I get sine wave and white noise when selected. Is it mainly used for Music Production?

It is for Youtube or other plaform live chats. I dont know if it can be used for music production.

Oh I see. Is this because of Wayland?

I think, it is because of some apps use pulseaudio for audio. I uninstalled pulseaudio and installed pipewire. And the problem is gone.

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