Does Syetem reinstall wipe encrypted disc?

I wish to reinstall my Zorin system. Should I count on wiping out my entire Disk?

I believe that the OS is on Partition 2. My Data such as Music, Downloads, etc. are on Partition 3. Moreover, the Disc is encrypted.

I would choose to wipe when reinstalling in order to prevent lost files from haunting me later. Yes, during installation, you can wipe and format the partition safely and cleanly.

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I don't know what the situation is for GNU/Linux, but on Windows, if the data is encrypted on separate partition, installing Windows afresh leaves the encrypted data inaccessible. I would backup your entire drive. I have always avoided encryption after reading the warning whilst installing SuSE Linux 9.3 Professinal many years ago: "Warning, encryption may lead to data loss". Whilst advances have been made, I still would not trust to use encryption "once bitten, twice shy".

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As an Addition to @Aravisian's Comment: On the Picture You see the (2nd) Option ''Erase disk and install Zorin OS''. Choose this Option when You install:

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