Don't download Zorin from brave browser - PSA

Brave is modifying the integrity of the file and giving you a copy with a different SHA256 guid and you can't install it.

This is interesting.
I can say this does not happen on Chrome Based Browsers in general.
Are you saying with Certainty that Brave Browser is doing this - and what has led you to believe this?

Are you using any extensions that may affect the download: download managers, accelerators, etc? Which ISO exactly did you download?

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i had problems installing, the magic numbers issues.
also i compared the sha256 key from the file with the one from zorin os and both were different.

Not a single middleware for downloads and version 17.2 pro from windows 11.

This is the first report of this kind...
Nonetheless, I think drawing the ZorinGroups direct attention would be preferable to waiting to see if the mystery is soon resolved.

@AZorin @zorink

O.P. reports that downloading Zorin OS .iso on Brave Browser resulted in a SHA mismatch.
Reports no download extensions/helpers.
Version 17.2
Unclear: Whether it was downloaded from the Zorin Home Page > Downloads.

@svaldenegro, this last part could be clarified.
Did you download the .iso from

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Another clue, Windows 11 user! Perhaps MS has gone above and beyond the recent SBAT debacle they created. That said, I have had issues in some .iso corruption with other distros using Firefox. This can be down to carrier issues (ISP), or heavy traffic, breaks during download. I've been a bit 'blasé' when downloading without checking hash sums on other distros. The hash sums are there for a reason.

Also, have you tried again? As in, repeated the download through Brave on the same computer to confirm that it reliably gives you an incorrect SHA while using another browser on the same computer results in an .iso file with the correct SHA?

I refuse to install both Windows 11 and Brave for myriad reasons, so can't help with the confirmation here, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they are corrupting it, but taking a single corrupted download as undisputed fact that Brave or Win11 are compromising the file integrity seems a bit much.


I've just tested downloading copies of both Zorin OS 17.2 Core & Pro in Brave (installed from Flathub on Zorin OS) and can confirm that the SHA256 checkusm match the correct ones listed here. As a result, I couldn't reproduce this issue.

It's most likely that svaldenegro's original download attempt might have gotten corrupted due to network issues, which is not entirely uncommon.

@svaldenegro could you please try downloading again to see if you still get the same incorrect SHA256 checkusm?


I have downloaded Zorin 17.2 Core with Brave (.deb Version) on Zorin OS and the Checksum was correct:

When You have downloaed it, which Download-Server did you used? Did You tried several One's or only the same?

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And directly learned how to create a Checksum in the Terminal. Thank You.

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downloaded from the link given after the purchase to my email.

Gonna try again later, and post the hashes, maybe my computer is infected somehow. Downloading from Edge fixed the issue.

It might have just been network issues. But I have to say I thought it was great that you reported the potential issue and that other members quickly sought to replicate the potential issue and figure out what was going on. Wonderful community here.


Agree with @j_luz here. Great community. It's part of why I came back from Linux Mint to Zorin OS. Yes, Mint's online community is helpful, but Zorin's community is "cozier" (if that makes sense) and it helps that the developers listen (although I still wish they'd communicate more; that's something I've expressed before). I hope they'll incorporate some of the changes I've suggested before (especially about power management). In the meantime, though, I'm OK with how Zorin is at this time. It works. Just wish they'd integrate a few more GNOME extensions or even develop something of their own that'll help with a few things and go a long way towards the user experience (and not to forget user retention). That's important.

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