Downloaded Zorin OS 16 Pro but no themes

If you do the "Try Zorin" option from the Live USB, do you see the alternative layouts in Zorin Appearance?


Seems even though the ISO is named as PRO it is not. I am unable to see any reference to Windows 11 or Mac on the Live USB or installed version.

I will download a 4th time while watching the new Dune film. Then give it a go again :slight_smile: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I suggest as you have purchased Pro and therefore gain support from Zorin Bros, you could email them or send a PM from here seeking an answer to this question of missing premium layouts.

I assume you did infact purchase Zorin16 Pro direct from the website and not elsewhere?

I will tag this thread for @AZorin and @zorink so they may then see it and perhaps reply here.

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Due to the copyright reason, you would not see those names.
You have to chose them from their looks not from names.

If you see those 8 layouts, you are using Pro version.


I do see these shapes. I am able to choose the different layouts.

Seems there is a miscommunication in the marketing on the main website. Meaning, I think there should be some section describing the layouts.

Also when installing there is no indication I am installing the pro.

Thank you very much for helping me to resolve this issue (non-issue) :slight_smile:

Love from Tokushima prefecture :slight_smile:

If you think the problem i solved, please tick a box :ballot_box_with_check: to mark the thread as solved. This will help the future visitors to the forum looking for the answer.

Ah, you are from Japan.
If you are using ibus-Mozc for Japanese input, you might find this tutorial of mine useful:


Yes, I admit, I think the Zorin's could do a little better job on the home page describing certain things. There have already been reviewers that got on the Zorin's case for not describing what APPS come loaded in Zorin OS 16 PRO.

I am sorry that you didn't know how the layouts worked due to miscommunication. But, at least you can see the layouts, so you know they are there. Additionally, you can also adjust the colors as well in Zorin Appearance.


Thank you, very thoughtful of you.

Actually I am very happy so far with Zorin Pro. I came from Kunbuntu and became tired of constant UI issues. I just want to focus on coding python/nodejs/nextjs and watch some TV shows and play my only game SWTOR.

I work (volunteer) on a few projects doing API/Framework documentation. Linux Foundation, Django and Laravel. I notice the Youtube reviews of Zorin are very different than what one experiences while installing Zorin Pro. My advice would be to put a big blurb on the main product page for about the PRO ONLY features, such as "Layouts". Just having that tidbit would have helped me to avoid 6-8 hours of confusion and reinstalling Zorin several times. Also it would be wonderful if there were some type of icon displaying "PRO VERSION" next to the Layouts TAB in the Zorin Appearance tool.

Anywho :slight_smile: Thanks!


Also in the pro version itself. So people can see they installed pro and not core as someone here had with a terminal command. It feels cheap, like you got the core version with only the 4 extra layouts.

We purchase Pro version to support developers in place of making a donation. Those additional 4 themes a small token of appreciation by the developers.

Have a look at the list of comparison below. If you are seeking for a higher cost performance, I recommend to stick to a free Core version and make custom themes yourself.

Compare Zorin OS editions.

Pro Core Lite
LibreOffice suitecompatible with Microsoft Office :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Advanced desktopbased on GNOME :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Lightweight desktopbased on XFCE :heavy_check_mark:coming soon :heavy_check_mark:
Zorin Connectlink your phone and computer together :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Standard desktop layoutsin Zorin Appearance :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Premium desktop layoutsmacOS, Windows 11 & Classic, and Ubuntu :heavy_check_mark:
Professional-grade creative suite of apps :heavy_check_mark:
Advanced productivity software :heavy_check_mark:
Additional artworkcurated collection of abstract wallpapers :heavy_check_mark:
Zorin Installation Support :heavy_check_mark:

I understand that, but they should list pro as pro in the terminal and not as core. Thats what i meant with cheap feelings.

lsb_release -a

Write it in your terminal if you have pro

Just run Neofetch.

It shows
OS: Zorin OS 16 x86_64

You wanted it to be something like this?
OS: Zorin OS 16 Pro x86_64

Yes so user dont need to reinstall everytime because its unclear to them.

Add a pro wallpaper or something.

It is already included
Additional artworkcurated collection of abstract wallpapers

So the rocky montain is not the default wallpaper like in core ? Its confusing for pro users.

Since I've never used Core version, I have no idea which wallpaper is default in Core.
In Pro version, Rocky mountain (default) and one abstract wall papers are the only ones which can show a brightness change with a clock.

lsb_release: error: No arguments are permitted

Command 'Neofetch' not found, did you mean:

command 'neofetch' from deb neofetch (7.0.0-1)

I don't think I have stuff installed that you guys do, so neither of those commands are achieving anything in terminal. I do have screenfetch installed, and I am always posting those on the forum

Zorin OS 16 PRO Screenfetch Kernel 5.11.38

You have a space between the dash and the a.

I fully agree that it would be a helpful move if lsb_release listed Core, Pro or Lite. This is an aspect that confuses a lot of users.
And some users do not know if they are using Core or Lite and it has caused a lot of frustration on the board just trying to figure out what they have, before we can help.

I copy pasted what he provided, so that be his fault then lol.

Additionally, I do not understand why this information cannot be displayed on the ABOUT page in settings. Right where it says Zorin OS 16, why can't it also say, PRO, CORE, LITE ???

Honestly, I feel like its an oversight from the Zorin bro's, and I think its something that is most certainly within the realm of amazing developers such as them, to fix.

Try again @StarTreker ... And yeah i made that little error with space between - and a :joy:

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