Drivers Linux for HP ProBook 640 G8 Notebook or HP EliteBook 840 G8 Notebook

Do you know where to find and how to install the drivers Linux for HP ProBook 640 G8 Notebook or HP EliteBook 840 G8 Notebook please ?
The camera is not found. :disappointed_relieved:

I found a few threads about this particular model where the camera was disabled in the BIOS. Try to check if it's indeed enabled first, by accessing the BIOS right after powering on your computer and pressing one of the function keys on your keyboard (which one depends on the model but should be displayed at the beginning or in the manual).

If it is enabled, run the following command on a terminal window to see if it's being at least detected.


For reference:

thank you. Founded :

Ouppps It's ok today without any modification. :crazy_face:

We can close this post. Have a good day

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No changes in the BIOS or anything? :thinking: In Zorin OS Lite (and other distributions running on the XFCE desktop environment) I've noticed that peripherals like drives only get loaded once you attempt to use them. I guess something similar is happening here.

Oh, well, if it works it's all good!