Education version

Hi. I'd like to ask about Zorin OS education.
To what extent, does it prevail in the school or community?
Is it adopted any school education programme or country's education plan?
Or, is it just prevailed as individual personal PC installation ?

As a comparison to the Prim Tux OS, I just wanted to know the situation.

Prim Tux map

Any information would be appriciated.

On the old forum, Albani, a member from Italy helped the school in Vicenza move to Zorin Education when they could not afford to upgrade their Windows licences. Following on from this the Public Sector (local government) of Vicenza moved away from Windows altogether and adopted Zorin OS. Another member from Belgium has also been instrumental in guiding a school to Zorin OS. A member from America who deals with Amazon AWS was adding Zorin OS systems at a school, and more recently another US member adding Zorin OS alongside Mac and Windows Systems.

emmabuntus is another well known education system helping the IT deprived in Africa.