Error installing drivers nvidia 390 on Zorin OS 17

Glad that the .deb file worked.

Same, I am quite confused over that. It is probably something simple that we would facepalm about later. :wink:

You might check that the kelebek repository was fully added using software & Updates app and if it was, run

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

to ensure all necessary packages and files are installed.

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I first reinstalled, the first command worked perfect, but for example warp, docker desktop, blender, and some other applications do not open, warp stays in as in an invisible tab and does not let see the content

can you open blender or docker desktop without problems?

I surrender, drivers nvidia unofficial, do not serve at all, in short, thank you very much, I wanted to make another request, recommend something so that the nouveau driver does not freeze the screen for a while, it is for little, it is like a mini pause, it is annoying if you think about it

If no luck with the drivers, this may be due to the age of the card - it is quite old...
Though support was dropped for it many years ago - you still have managed to extend its life this far. I would call that a win all on its own.

But there comes a time when we must admit that the hardware needs to be upgraded. After-all, we are not resurrecting any Commodore machines using GnuLinux in todays era.

exactly, but if you know about this:
I surrender, drivers nvidia unofficial, do not serve at all, in short, thank you very much, I wanted to make another request, recommend something so that the nouveau driver does not freeze the screen for a while, it is for little, it is like a mini pause, it is annoying if you think about it

I do not personally know of a method.

This is why I say that upgrading your computer or your graphics is one of the few remaining options for you.

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oh, I understand, thank you very much