Even with Virutal Box guest edition install that cant use share clipboard with win11 host

Dont know why is not wokring i enable both Bidirectional in the virutal box setting.

I never could get Virtual Box to work properly. I would check for alternatives if I was you.

what woudl be another soultion?

You could try Boxes which is available via software store. Drag and drop works out of boxes. But I'm unsure how it works the other way around, usually I set up cloud for that purpose.

what is boxes, that i am using win11 thanks

So you are running GNU/Linux as a VM? I suspect that Windows 11 is your problem.

OK figure out the reaosn why

Follow the insutrectio here.

Do not install the Guest Addition at the start the Zoris preapeed for you.

Install a brand new wiht the "Devices" on top of the VM machine

Run the autorun.sh in DVD under the trash Bin

Those two commdn really helps

sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-generic 
sudo rcvboxadd setup

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