Experiencing freeze with Edge browser & the whole system

I have 2 issues so far with Zorin OS.

  1. The laptop suddenly freeze and I don't know why
    for example here I just wrote the word (with), however my keyboard is totally fine.

  2. I'm unable to select my Graphics card, I have an ASUS TUF A15, RTX 3050 mobile. and it doesn't say that in the system info. And I tried everything to install the drivers.

See if @Aravisian 's post helps in respect of graphics issue:

In respect of freezing issue, are you running kernel 6.8?

Welcome to the Forum!

For using the Nvidia Card You could try it with the Terminal Command sudo prime-select nvidia

For installing the Drivers: When You go to Software & Updates and there to the ''Additional Drivers'' Tab what is shown to You? Maybe You could make a Screenshot and show it here.

The Freezing: There would be the Question that aravision ask: Do You have the new 6.8 Kernel installed? It makes some Issue at the Moment. To control that open the Terminal and type uname -r

The Kernel Version is in this Case important for the Driver Choice, too. So, it is good to know which Kernel do You use.

Another Things for Freezing: Do You use Fractional Scaling? How is Your Refresh Rate set up? And when You want to use Your Nvidia Card take care that Your System is running with Xorg and not with Wayland. To control that, You can go in the Settings and there to the ''About'' Tab. There look where ''Window Manager'' stands.

  • Regarding the Additional Drivers, yes I tried that but it doesn't let me to choose anything. as shown

  • I think yes I'm using Kernel 6.8, if this is the issue how can I downgrade for example without having to setup Zorin OS from the very start.

  • I don't know about the fractional scaling, and my Refresh Rate is at 144hz. It's running on Wayland.

Thanks in advance for your help

Fractional Scaling is in the Display Settings. But when you don't know about it, it shouldn't be activated.

Because of the Drivers on your first Picture: When You installed Zorin, did You have chosen the Option to install it with modern Nvidia Graphics? If yes, that would it explain because it would have installed a newer driver than what stands on this List.

Because Your System is running on Wayland: You should change that and test if it runs better. To do that go to the Login Screen and click on Your Profile so that the Password Field appears. It must be appeared! When it is appeared, you should see in the bottom right Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it. You should see 2 Options:

  • Zorin Desktop
  • Zorin Desktop on Xorg

What is active you can see at the Dot Marker at the Beginning. So, choose the Xorg Option and log in and test if it runs better.

Yes I think I did install Zorin with the other option the Modern Nvidia Graphics.

Now I think everything is fine, as my GPU is now selected.

One more question.

  • Can I assign the 2 fingers swipe right and left for Edge browser as to go next/prev pages, as it does in Windows ?

  • Will my system stay on Zorin Desktop on Xorg, or do I have to change it every time ?

It will stay.

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No, it stays until You change it back. It doesn't change automatically back.

With the Edge Thing unfortunately I can't help You. I don't use Edge and I don't have a Laptop.

Then You should have installed the 550 Driver. This isn't shown in the List. You could control if the driver is installed with the Terminal Command apt list nvidia-driver-550

In the terminal it says installed

Then You have the 550 Driver installed.

Yesterday I shut down the laptop and everything was working fine.
Today, I turned the laptop on and the scrolling with the touchpad was different and some gestures weren't there any more. Also the dock at the bottom wasn't behaving as before it's an extension called (Dash to Dock)
Also most importantly, the speed of my touchpad was very fast and the settings weren't beneficial for changing the speed.

What was different with the Scrolling?

I know Dash To Dock. What does ''wasn't behaving as before'' mean? What do it now, what it before didn't do? Or what do it now not, what it did before?

The scrolling was reverted.

and the Dash to Dock wasn't showing while in full screen however I changed that in the settings.

Anyways, I re-installed a fresh Zorin OS and it's working fine so far.

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