EXT4 file system creation failed

Thanks for the suggestion, but I learned how to go a different way. I cannot install Zorin on my emmc drive, but I did install it on a small form factor 256GD USB 3 thumb drive. I have it set to boot from the usb. So this thumb drive is my OS now. and I can use my internal drive for extra storage. Maybe this is not the perfect solution, but it is working excellent for me. In case anyone else gets into the same situation and does not know what to do you just need two USB sticks. One with a bootable Linux distro and the other blank. Plug them both in and install Linux on the blank USB stick instead of your hard drive. Did not even know this was possible untill I did allot of reading. I works great, but I use the laptop for light casual use. It may not work so well for serious heavy work, maybe it would I don't know. This is all new to me. Thank you to those that tried to help.

I agree with Swarf that it is possible the eMMC is protected by Windows. But, if future, you may try checking whether you are set to AHCI or to RAID prior to attempting to install Zorin OS.

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