Failed to initialize graphics on Steam

Hello, I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place to post this, but I am having an issue with steam, when I try to open some games, I get this error:
Failed to initialize player   Details: Failed to initialize graphics. Make sure you have DirectX 11 installed, have up to date drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed

Some games do work, like Celeste, but some don't, like Rain World or Wobbledogs.

Here are my specs (pasted from neofetch):
Host: Latitude E6540 01
DE: GNOME 43.9
CPU: Intel i7-4600M (4) @ 3.600GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 8790M
GPU: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor
I am also on Wayland if that matters.

Here's the process I went through troubleshooting (bit of a yapathon):
When I first got this error, I thought that I might not have dxvk installed, so, I installed proton tricks and tried to install it. I got these errors:
Please refer to dxvk version 0.54 release notes... See:
Please refer to current dxvk base graphics driver requirements... See:
Seeing this, I decided to check if my GPU has Vulkan drivers. I didn't find out about anything, however. I also tried to install amdvlk but that didn't do anything. (I might've not done it right, i'm not sure.)
Given my failures, I sat on it for a while...

Later, due to an unrelated problem, (steam web helper crashing) I started steam from the command line. Looking at what logs it gave out, I noticed something in its output:

MESA-INTEL: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete

Realizing this might help with my other problem, I searched what Haswell meant. I saw that it was the name of the fourth-gen of intel processor. I recalled that neofetch said I have two GPUs, one of which being
GPU: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor
So, I searched up how to start steam using the Dedicating GPU.
I then started steam using the "Launch using Dedicated Graphics Card" in the right click context menu. Unfortunately, the same error occurred. I also tried doing the same for proton tricks to no luck.
The last thing I tried was to add DRI_PRIME=1 to the games launch options, still didn't work.

I tried to install dxvk through proton tricks, then I checked if my GPU has vulkan drivers, I didn't find out about anything. I tried to start steam using my Dedicated GPU through GNOME, then I tried to add DRI_PRIME=1 to my launch options, to no avail.

If there is anything I can do about this, if its a hardware or a steam issue, or whatever else, please let me know!