Failed Upgrade 16.3 core to 17 core: Unmet Dependencies

Maybe You could try to install first libmutter-10-0 and when this works libmutter-11-0

Launch Software & Updates and ensure that all four of the first checkboxes are checked:

  • Canonical-supported free and open source (main)
  • Community-maintained free and open-source (Universe)
  • Proprietary drivers (restricted)
  • Software restricted by copywrite (multiverse)

Download From: Main server

Now click Other software tab and ensure that CDROM:Zorin
is unchecked.

Manually installed libmutter-10-0 using sudo apt install libmutter-10-0 which installed successfully. Then running sudo apt install libmutter-11-0 bombs out again with same held broken packages error.

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I can't launch this. I have no gui right now, its terminal only.

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No problem. Running

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

should output the configuration so we can see if all the above are checked for that file.

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Might have hit some progress here. I opened up another laptop that I successfully upgraded to Zorin 17 and cat out its sources.list file and compared it to what I have on this problematic one.

Turns out there were several sources that were commented out, so I un-commented and added back in some missing ones to the file. Then ran update and full-upgrade and its now updating 177 files and adding 3 new ones. In the list of 177 being updated is libmutter-10-0. So we'll see what happens when this finishes.

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Sorry it was hard to give exactly was I was seeing, short of bad pictures with tiny font, since the gui was not loading and all I had was a terminal interface. So limited or no options for two windows, copy/paste, opening gui tools etc.

Normally I open two windows and use a text compare tool to check it all, but not able to here.

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Got it fixed here after comparing the sources.list and adding/un-commenting lines.

Thank you for the assistance.