Firmware update failed error msg keep popping at startup


I keep getting "update failed error" msg each time i start my machine...It's been this way for more then 3 weeks now-hoping that updates might show up and the error msg would disappear...but nothing happened...

sending you 3 screen shot as reference....

pls advise, how to get rid of this startup error msg...

Screenshot from 2024-05-22 12-33-30
Screenshot from 2024-05-22 12-32-00
Screenshot from 2024-05-22 12-32-29

Is your Software Updater source a regional/national server, or "Main Server" which is usually best?

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I changed it to main server, but still the error msg pop's up.

I have done some forum searching for you. See if this thread helps:

hey...thanks....i'll try this...

Even today, as of 02/June - there was this similar update of "Integrated firmware update"...and once again this update failed...i mean the window i had to cancel.....and after restart it's the same issue "update error".....

but i'll try the command link you suggested......thanks

You should be able to resolve this issue by opening the Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and entering this command:

sudo rm /var/lib/fwupd/pending.db

Afterward, please restart your computer to apply the fix fully.

We've detailed these instructions on this Help page:


thanks....and sorry for my late reply...

if i punch in the cmd you've suggested, will this effect any other elements of the the way, the error still continues....but i will try this command..

secondly, if i am still receiving this error msg until now, that means the "firmware" was NOT then it should ask me to update again...why is it not asking to re-update?

Instead of punching self-manual command, why can this not be resolved in the next update...cuz this is not an individual problem, its a local problem and should be fixed in the next update...

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