I have a problem where the only app that detects my cd drive is the disks app.
The green light that indicates it works is off and nothing happens when I put a cd in it. Also it usually doesn't open when I click the button.
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Is this an internal cd drive or an external? If it's an external, it could be a case of it not getting enough power through the USB port being used to get it running fully. Sometimes a different port might do it, and other times still there are dual USB to 1 USB adapters to allow one port for the communication and the other port for extra power.
unoneCharacter stated in his thread title it is internal!
Big ole whoops on my part lol
I see I am not alone. I have done this many times always followed up with a face palm.
If it shows in disks - then it may be possible to select it and mount it to see if it needs to be mounted before it works.
I did an apt search
and note these are not included by default but may be needed:
sudo apt install udftools libcdio-utils
Some CD drives only operate when media is mounted. Not sure if yours is one of those or not...
It didn't work. One thing that might have something to do with it is the fact that it is mounted to /mnt/wwn-0x5001480000000000 which doesn't exist.
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