FlatPak takes a long time to download

Well I had a problem but it just fixed by itself

But I have a question, I installed Citra and it took about 30 minutes to start to download, is it normal that??

Right now I'm all alone at home so no one use my internet and I've got a different password than the one that came by default

beep beep... Я робот

edited title for clarification
mission completed :robot:

beep beep......

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Flatpak uses it's own libaries and is sandboxed, so yeah it's normal. It's possible that your download was 1gb big. If you used a .deb package it might be 30mb's big

Edit, just checked on my distro and the flatpak is indeed 1,1GB big.


Exactly for this reason I go for for PPA instead of FlatPak whenever it is possible (but not always possible).


Actually, Gnome Software includes support packages in the download size figure. If those were previously installed, the size of the application is 24.6 MB ↓. You can check the actual size of the application by installing from the terminal which breaks down the packages you are downloading. On my system:

ID Branch Op Remote Download

  1. org.citra_emu.citra          stable          i          flathub         < 24.6 MB

For me, Gnome Software also shows 24.6 MB because I already have it's required Flatpak runtime installed - it doesn't need to be downloaded again.

This package could also contain some bundled libraries which are not in the runtime which can make it larger than the .deb version.


Oh! I didn't know that thnaks for the info :3

is that Pop OS?? :thinking: I used to be a Pop OS user until now, right now I'm a Zorin OS user :3

Yup Pop! OS running here :grin:

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