Forgotten Realms

Look what I bought for 8 Dollars. Complete Forgotten Realms/Dungeon and Dragons collection box 2. :partying_face:

I remember those games when I was a kid playing Forgotten Realms on Commodore 64. Great times, great times :slight_smile:
Anyone else played Forgotten Realms? If you grew up in 80's early 90's you must have. It's a standard 101 in parenting in that 80's kids played those games. :wink:

Sadly, there's an exception that rule, at least in the USA. My mother fell into the whole "Satanic Panic" of the 80s, and was convinced anything D&D would result in my going to hell. This was an actual tract handed out that people honestly believed was the inevitable result of D&D, so it was super banned from my home.

I managed to get my hands on one DragonLance game because she only saw "DragonLance" and didn't realize that it was D&D based. :stuck_out_tongue: (It would fall into the Krynn series in what you have there.)


Never played it @Storm , grew up with a Commodore Amiga A500 / Nintendo 8-bit. On the Amiga i played Cannon Fodder alot :slight_smile:

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I have clear memories of this, as well. It truly was mind boggling. I suspect, we are doomed for another round of that nonsense, too.


Probably. Though D&D isn't actually my game of choice (I prefer more complicated systems that try to model* more than the big d20 systems do), 5e is MUCH less a subculture thing than AD&D was. It'll be a lot harder to get the same level of cultural buy-in against TTRPGs. There's plenty else to demonize though, sadly.

*Obviously all TTRPGs are making up number games to replace things that don't actually work like that in reality at all, but as an example:

  • D&D and Pathfinder both use an attack roll with modifiers vs. an armor class to see if you hit. Whether you have high AC because you're evasive or in plate armor is irrelevant, an attack hits you or does not. (Damage reduction is a separate thing and usually a special circumstance.)

  • Shadowrun 5e, comparatively, has attack roll versus evasion roll, which can cause you to miss entirely, or modify your damage if your attack was much better than their evasion. If it hits, you then have a soak roll to determine how much it hurt. This kind of thing carries into all systems and makes a world of difference to me. My best friend, conversely, hates it, caps out on complexity with Pathfinder these days, and enjoys a very rules-light system called FATE that I just find no joy in at all.