The laptop is an attempt to create hardware that supports the users right to repair. It uses a wifi module and fingerprint hardware that requires a 5.11+ Linux kernel.
I am not versed on what it needs, however I know that I had to download a specific respin version of Fedora that used a 5.13 kernel and the non-LTS PopOS! that uses a later kernel.
I recently purchased ZorinOS Pro for use on some Thinkpad's that I use, but man oh man - I'd love to use Zorin on my
Would the Zorin developers be interested in helping to create a release that runs correctly on hardware? Its pretty good software, but has some bugs currently because of certain hardware that it uses.
Are you familiar with the Would you support it? Is there any help or info about using ZorinOS CURRENTLY with a
The distro feels great; I've supported it, regardless of support and would LOVE it if you'd have interest in creating that support.
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