Freezing monitor- GTX 4060

Hello again!

I've been struggling with this issue for a while. I'm on Zorin OS 17, and I am running on a laptop (core i7, GTX 4060) with a second monitor plugged in via HDMI. It works fine-- however, whenever I launch a game, the second monitor freezes. I have to unplug it and plug it back in for a 70% chance of it working again.

I posted this issue before and was recommended that I swap drivers. I tried every driver under the sun-- right now I'm on Nvidia 550. Any other driver does not freeze the monitor, but framerates are atrocious and things run incredibly slowly. This is the only driver that doesn't run horribly-- games run at high framerates and system runs smoothly.

I don't want to always have to unplug and replug my montior-- is there any way I can get this resolved?

Thank you! Any help is appreciated.

Welcome back!

From what I can see regarding this issue, I found a few threads, and most of them basically state to try changing the power profile in Nvidia to performance mode. Maybe you could try this if you haven't already? It would come at the cost of less battery life, but this may just be a driver issue that they need to work out on their end.
Ubuntu 22.04 second display freezes intermittently NVIDIA - Ask Ubuntu

I tried that and it resulted in zero programs even being able to launch. I can try it again, though, and see if maybe it will work now. I'll update when I have any changes.

What Kernel do You use with the 550 Driver? The 6.8 or 6.5 Kernel? You could try it with both and look if there is a Difference.

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Sorry, for now, this seems to have fixed the issue. Don't know why it didnt work earlier. Thank you!

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Awesome, glad to hear it's working! Hopefully they get it addressed soon.

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