Grub menu still appears on Zorin 17

No. I didn't install grub customizer.

I am back to stumped, again...:expressionless:


Let me know if you need further information that would help you debug this.

We looked into this a bit here:

In /etc/grub.d you will find 00_header

In /boot/grub you will find grub.cfg

If either of these have been changed, it could have an effect like this; Except that I cannot fathom how they might have been changed.
If @capriciousduck had installed anything that could or would change those files, he would know of it and have stated so (I pointedly asked about Grub Customizer).

If those files were corrupted due to packet loss during .iso download or during install, he should get a grub failure. Installing again with a fresh download of the .iso is our usual solution.

@capriciousduck, can you try:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Add this line


Tap ctl+o, enter, ctl+x,

sudo update-grub

reboot and test...

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Nope. The timeout is still 30 seconds after reboot.

I will try installing Zorin in a VM and see if this happens.

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Can you tell how I should format when I use LVM? Just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly. I will do this in a VM. If all OK, then maybe I'll reinstall the OS as it can be that something has gone wrong during the installation.

EFI - 500 MB (FAT32) (outside LVM)
/ - EXT4 or other (in LVM)
/home - EXT4 or other (in LVM)


Creating a new partition for /boot in LVM is necessary?

Do I need to create the EFI partition or just a partition for /boot outside the LVM is enough?

But I think I had set the /boot mount point to the 1g partition I recently marked as unallocated. Would it be a problem?

Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                        2.3G  2.1M  2.3G   1% /run
/dev/mapper/zorin-root       109G   15G   89G  15% /
tmpfs                         12G  140M   12G   2% /dev/shm
tmpfs                        5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/mapper/zorin-volume--z  229G   43G  174G  20% /mnt/volume-z
/dev/mapper/zorin-home        25G  3.2G   21G  14% /home
/dev/nvme0n1p2               500M  6.1M  493M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs                        2.3G  128K  2.3G   1% /run/user/1000

The current partition mounts are like this. All good? Or should I reinstall the OS? The EFI partition is outside the LVM for sure (on /dev/nvme0n1p2)

I do not need any kind of encryption.

My main intention was that I can resize the paritions whenever needed without worrying about where they are placed. I do not know if LVM does encryption by default.

I reinstalled the OS. The grub timeout is by default set to 0, not 10.

LVM systems need not be encrypted.

One major advantage (there are others) is that you can easily expand your available storage by adding another partition even if the added partition is not adjacent.

I've been using it for years (with no encryption) and wouldn't want to go back to standard installs.

However, the user needs to learn some new concepts and management commands. That is enough to deter some people.

Don't want to hijack this post but i am having the same issue. I followed all the steps you guys suggest and still same result. Also per the grub default time out. It was set to 0 when i opened it. I do not have grub customizer installed or have i tried installing it.

I just checked on my copy of Zorin OS 17:

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

However, I am dual booting with Zorin OS 16.3

I wonder if non-dual boot installs result in the new 0 default. This may need to be addressed, since a 0 second timeout can prevent users from accessing the Recovery Menu.

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This weekend i am going to install it on my test machine and see what happens. This version i am using is slightly tweaked (No grub edit) so i am still a bit doubtful about my results but i will give an update if this isn't solved.

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@xeroone Thanks

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I too have a similar issue. I am currently using Zorin OS 17 Pro. I have made all the modifications suggested in this thread multiple times. I do have grub customizer installed as it was my initial goto to make changes easily or to ensure that I wasn't messing anything up, however, the issue persists. Similar to Op i continue to get approximatley 30s timeout on grub to select Zorin OS which is only OS on machine. My machine is more quirky in this case though as it is a iMac 21". I know apple hardware can be finicky but I don't believe that is the culprit in this case as well as other people similar experience.

Grub Customizer saves configuration files outside of the normal paces, and I am not even sure where they all are. It's been years and I have yet to untangle it.
While I can understand that from your point of view, you would not believe that Grub Customizer is involved (and perhaps it isn't. Perhaps...), just having it throws a very large and unpredictable wrench into the works and makes any sort of troubleshooting much harder.

Our hands are tied in checking the normal things, since there can and will be other configurations saved elsewhere.

Any fix for this issue?