GTK dropping X11

I... really... can only repeat myself:

Have a look at this users screenshot.

It shows he is on Wayland.
Modern. It's Wayland. It tells you so. Wayland.
That means that he is using a Modern Protocol Interface that has removed the Server in the middle allowing direct communication between Hardware and kernel.
That is why Server is blank... Wait. Isn't it blank? It's not...
Hold up. Using X11 server? I thought he was on Wayland.
with: XWayland v.22.1.1
Monitor-1: XWayland-0

Wayland... is not working. And it is unable to do what it claims to do: Provide the direct communication with hardware to the kernel without the server. It can for some things.
For everything else, it uses X11 and XServer behind the scenes, giving the illusion that you are on Wayland and that it is working. By using the Xserver and X11 it claims to replace.
We are not talking about a few rebellious apps that refuse to give over to Wayland, here. That is is his Monitor Hardware.

This is just as true on Modern Hardware with the Latest Distro and Latest Gnome. I have used them, too. XWayland using the Xserver with X11 backend to fill in all of Waylands voids. Ask the user what they are using: They answer just "Wayland." No... They are using Xserver.

Deceptive Practice

So... Microsoft started doing this thing with Windows: Fast Boot.

Fast boot makes your computer boot up in just a few seconds. Nice.

No, it doesn't. It tells you it is Boot but it is not boot, there is no init - it is a Deception.
It hibernates the computer instead of shutting it down when you tell it to Shut Down. Then it just wakes from Hibernate instead of booting. And what does this deception do? Cause a bunch of problems. And the End User no longer has control over the ShutDown procedure.

See, I do not know about you.

But I am tired of being deceived. Tricked. Made a fool of.
I gave Microsoft my back and turned away from that.

Why would I allow it here?

That is not irrational "Wayland hate" like others want to call it to dodge and deceive. The facts: Are listed right up above.