Hello. How do I enlarge the game client screen? It is so small. The screenshot provided is enlarge due to the way I did the screenshot, but it is not this enlarged.
Weclome to the Forum!
Do You mean the Full Screen Mode? I see in the top right Corner the Icons for minimize and close but no maximize Button. Maybe this Screen doesn't have a Full Screen Mode and You have to click an ''Play'' to start the Game and then You can activate Full Screen.
Another Thing: Do You have on gnome-tweaks
the maximize Buttons active?
If You shouldn't have gnome-tweaks
installed, You can simply install it in the Terminal with the Command:
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
No, normally, game clients are set to adjust correctly with your screen size. So the client is easier to see. Here is what I see.
I haven't personally played Guild Wars 2 (on pc) so I don't have much idea on settings, but if you change the Scaling in display settings of Zorin, does that also increase the size of the window, or leave it as is? If so, then the option to scale with dpi may not be checked (or checked) and apparently (according to this Steam thread here: User interface too big. :: Guild Wars 2 General Discussions) there should be an option in game to disable or enable scaling with di, and changing the scale there.
This seems like a common issue, and the thread is only a year old so hopefully the information it has is still relevant. I know how companies love to change their launchers and whatnot over the years.
Hello! Thanks. This wasn't fruitful, but I will keep looking and seeing if other options are available.
Set launch option to
LD_PRELOAD= XMODIFIERS= MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=240" DXVK_ASYNC=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 VK_LOADER_LAYERS_ENABLE=VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86_64 %command% -provider Portal -autologin -ignorecoherentgpucrash -mapLoadinfo
- LD_PRELOAD= : this fixes the stuttering when moving the cursor.
- XMODIFIERS= : fixes input of dead keys when using input methods such as Fcitx5
- MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=240" : limits framerate, here to 240, as the game only offers 30, 60 or no limit
- DXVK_ASYNC=1 : unsure if this is required anymore but doesn't hurt
- WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 : should trigger FSR if you have fullscreen and a lower resolution than native, but unsure
- VK_LOADER_LAYERS_ENABLE=VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86_64 : enables mangohud, required if used in combination with LD_PRELOAD=""
- %command% : self-explanatory
- -provider Portal : to log in with your arena.net account instead of through Steam
- -autologin : have the launcher autologin if you have saved your credentials, rarely works and you have tog press Login anyway
- -ignorecoherentgpucrash : unsure if it's needed anymore but should help if the in-game store crashes
- -mapLoadinfo : shows some statistics on loading screens