HDD can be browsed but isn't visible to qBittorent


I am having trouble with my SATA HDD. For some reason, it shows up through Zorin and I can browse it, etc:

But when I try to set it as the download location on qBittorrent, I am unable to find it:

"Default Save Path" in qBittorent (note: this is already set, as it was working previously, but now if I try to download, I get an I/O error in the program):

When trying to select the drive via "Default Save Path":

"+ Other Locations" clicked; there is no sign of the drive, which is visible in Disks:

I've tried unmounting / mounting via disks, but it makes no difference.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on here please? My drive has been a bit flaky ever since I installed Zorin; for example, I have to mount it via Disks each time I restart my machine; even though I have selected the option for it to mount at startup:

Any help is much appreciated, no matter how large or small.


How did you install qbittorrent? Is it a snap or flatpak? It may be missing the permissions to interact with the hardware of your pc. This is why I perform all my installs from the terminal. You can normally find a how to when searching the web "how to install qbittorrent without snap Ubuntu 20".

Hey. I installed it via "Software" in Zorin. I have no idea what snap or flatpack are sorry :neutral_face:

The thing that is confusing is that this worked absolutely fine for months and also the fact that my drive has to be mounted every time I reboot.

This feels like it's pointing to a problem outside of qBittorrent?

It is. Sounds like snap or flatpak (two application systems supposedly making it easier to install and use software) are requiring that the service starts prior to the system being mounted, but this is a problem since the system has to be mounted to start services.

You may want to uninstall qbittorrent and use a terminal based installation without snap or flatpak. This will most likely solve the mounting on boot as well as hard drive access issues.

Ok I will try, but my knowledge of terminal is very limited.

Just to be clear, my drive isn't visible to the system at all at boot, until I mount it. That's a system-wide issue.

Currently, it's never visible to qBittorrent, but used to be.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Go to home in other locations then select user folder to see your home drive.

It's nowhere to be seen.

Also, is the drive UUID added to fstab?

Update: I've tried Transmission instead of qBittorrent and it finds my drive. Whilst this isn't a solution, it seems to point to it being a problem with that program.

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Sorry I'm really new to Linux and have no idea what this means.

Also, I suppose there is no qBittorent in software app even if it is, I do not recommend downloading it.

Try these codes in the terminal if you still are not able to find your drive.

sudo apt-get remove qbittorrent
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove qbittorrent 

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable

sudo apt update

sudo apt install qbittorrent

fstab is short for File Systems TABle.
This file, usually located in the /etc directory, determines what file systems are initiated at boot.
You can open this with GUI or terminal.
With Terminal

sudo nano /etc/fstab

With GUI:

sudo -i


Navigate to "Other locations" > Computer > /etc
Locate the fstab file and right click it and then select open with > text editor

Now that you know how to modify the fstab file, you need to know what to put in it.
In terminal run

sudo blkid

Locate the External device listed under the device tag /dev followed by the notation like sd2 or sda3...
Note its UUID. Maybe copy it to an open text file for ease.
Copy that UUID and replace UUID-EXAMPLE in this generic line

UUID=UUID-EXAMPLE /mnt/ext/data ntfs umask=027,uid=1000,gid=1000,defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=30 0 2

Add that line to the /etc/fstab file

Save the file in the text editor prior to closing if using GUI.
If using terminal, tap ctrl+x, then the y key to say yes to save, then then enter key.

You can reboot to test or in terminal, run

sudo mount -a

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Is your drive actually 4gb, or I am seeing something else🧐

Sorry, I really appreciate your time here but I haven't a clue what any of this is :frowning: Think I'll just call it a day with it tbh. Way too complicated.

No, it's 1TB. I've absolutely no idea what was going on with that last screenshot. Linux is a nightmare.

There are a lot of things that look way too complicated the first time you see them.
Figuring out your Paystub, paying certain bills... Figuring out Christmas tree lights. Calculating mileage for a road trip. Beating a video game...
Riding a bicycle.
Yet, in life, we must learn early on how to manage our fear and get in and learn how to ride that bike.
Believe in yourself first. Then follow the steps one at a time. It gets less complicated with the more you learn.

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I completely agree and aside from Linux, I'm far from novice. I just don't have the time (kids, etc) to spend ages understanding this now. I really wish I'd learned earlier. I'm still struggling with so many things; this, customisation outside of the standard Zorin options, etc. I love Zorin, but I'm losing the will with it now as the simplest of things are completely stunting me.

I felt this way quite heavily when I migrated from Windows to Zorin OS.
That was shortly before Zorin OS 15 was released, so I am a bit of a noob, myself.

What got me out of my funk was a few successes. Now, Linux has opened up a new world for me that I enjoy exploring. And all I did in the beginning was complain...
I mean, baking is almost like learning chemistry. It's easy to mess it up.
Did you know that to leaven bread in the old days, they used ground up deer antler? Now we use baking powder. But, chemically, the principle is much the same. It's an acid.
Sodium bicarbonate mixed with an acid and water produces CO2.
Knowing one simple thing suddenly makes a ton of other stuff easy to understand.

When you know why it works, figuring out how to do it is not a huge learning curve or time consuming chore any more.

In the above; you only need to tell the File System Table (FSTAB) what you want it to do. Is a partition being mounted at start up? IF so, with what permissions?
That's all there is to it.
Every other step in that post is just opening the file and getting there.

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What an unbelievable reply. This sent me off listening to a 3hr video on Linux basics. I'm enjoying it again; albeit with some issues ha. Thanks a lot!


I went through all these steps, but it still doesn't work:

What I have noticed is that after booting (and until I unmount, then remount), the HDD isn't showing in my Other Locations, but it is showing up in Disks and showing up as mounted:

If I unmount, then remount, it shows up in Other Locations and can be accessed: