HELP/troubleshooting internet settings

I started a query and was at the point where I disabled the Ipv6 setting I can't get onto the internet. I made a timeshift save beforehand.

Can somebody get me help to get back onto the internet?

I went to my other old computer and got online. During the process of software updating, before i did anything else,
the connection stopped and now all i have is a blank screen. I restarted the computer and still nothing. The zorin logo flashed at startup. The old computer has zorin pro lite on it.

How do i get my old computer to get back online?

As you have the Pro version you are entitled to support from Zorin directly using this contact form to raise a ticket:

I can't get access to the support number in my email without internet.

I was able to get the support code after all.

The irony was not lost on me the fact I had to access my email with google in order to get help.
I hate google!

Can someone help me get one of my computers back on the internet?

Have you got a working desktop? How do your computers connect, Ethernet or wireless?

You are talking about "starting a query", but what does that mean? You also mention disabling IPv6; how did you do that, and what other changes have you make to the system?

It's not clear what the issue is, if it is just an internet connection problem or something else starting up at boot.

Query means I asked for help here.

I disabled ipv6 through settings-network.
I wrote an earlier note here but I can't see it. If you look for my name you should be able to see where someone suggested I use timeshift and then turn off ipv4 and enter the command sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon.
After that I couldn't get online anymore.
The wireless interface shows when I put the command in to see if it shows up. I'm sorry I can't see that question from my questions I asked.
I have limited ability on my phone.

I went into system setting I think it's called and there's a red box in front of gnome-software.

Looks like it's this one?

At the end, it's suggested that:

Try that, see if that works. Also, please continue the conversation on that other thread where it's most relevant.

Can you tell me what the other thread is titled.
Using my phone to do this is hard because for example when you sgowed the command line I couldn't tell where the spaces between words should be.

I reinstalled the gnome keyring.
Under settings my spectrum network is shown (wireless) but I click on it and it just flashes and doesn't do anything. I can go into the settings at the end of the name of my network and see those. Everything is enabled.

The other place starts with New spectrum. I think i found it.

They work wirelessly and wireless. Both with zorin os pro 16.3. The older computer has the lite version.

They worked fine until I changed to spectrum then it asked for keyring code every time i started up the computer. I would have to go into settings and choise my network each type and put the spectrum password in and then got the keyring prompt. I would just press cancel and it connected me to the internet.
I have a spectrum tech coming but I can't see how he can help if he doesn't know linux. I just hope I don't get charged.
I can't seem to get a lot of help.
I submitted a spectrum help request but they get back to you in days.

After spectrum came: I now have wireless internet connection. By showing him all of the outcomes of terminal commands checking internet status and connection, etc. and their showing it was seen on my computer, just not connected he went into settings and under security nothing was put in as a password. I have no idea if this is a result of the self install or how this came to be but he put in the password and walaaaa!
BTW he said nobody likes the linux system. I politely told him he was too young to know the difference between using the internet in the year 2000 and now.


If you read that thread again I said disable IPv6 not IPv4. My ISP does not use IPv6 at all, they don't support it.

Well said! :smiley: I think the probably doesn't encounter much action with it, so he's just unfamiliar. But kudos for being able to fix it, to be fair.


I know you said that. I meant to say that but typed the wrong one.

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