Well, as the title says, really. Not saying there is, but I just thought to myself 'hey... if it could be done at all, Linux is where I'd find it' lol
So I wondered if there is a terminal command or script floating around out there that would let a guy uninstall anything installed post whatever date.
Well from the terminal you would need to know the name of the package and know correct character formation, i.e., any capital letters or all lowercase? (Usually all in lowercase. For installed APT packages, you would use:
sudo apt-get remove firefox thunderbird
A simpler method for APT package removal is to use Synaptic Package Manager. Once installed from Software, launch it, click on the column that is headed with the letter 's' and this will bring all applications that are installed on your machine to the top of the list, then right click each little square next to the app you wish to remove and select 'Mark for removal'. This changes the colour of the square from green to red. Once you have selected all the applications you have marked for removal, click on 'Apply'.
I don't use Flatpak or Snap on any system where I can remove Flatpak or Snap packages but from memory I think it would be:
sudo flatpak remove [name of applications with spaces between each application name]
Yeah I do use Timeshift. Ultimately that was what I wound up doing. Just thought I'd poke a bit and see if there was a batch command to do multiple with a single command.
Guess not, but wouldn't it be cool if one could do something like,
"sudo apt purge * -pastdate 02-21-24"
and it would just go ahead and uninstall every app you've installed since Feb 21st? Someone should totally make a script like that! lol