Horrible right click and right click menu malfunction for chromium browsers and Zorin 17

Ever since I moved from Zorin 16 to Zorin 17, this has been happening. When I'm using a Chromium based browser and am right clicking a link or video of some kind, the right click button also selects the right click menu and one of it's options automatically. In other words, I right click once, and instead of that merely causing the context menu to appear, it also 50% of the time selects one of the context menu's options instantaneously. There was absolutely no double click whatsoever. This is bizarre and extremely annoying, sometimes this double click will try to save an image or link, or open the link in a new browser, or in incognito mode. It's like rolling the dice. This happens on both Wayland or X11.

Here is a video of it happening, very annoying and inconveniencing. Also, no left clicks were done in this video, I only used the touchpad right click button: https://cdn.videy.co/ZGqgMOV7.mp4

Does this happen when you use an external mouse? And what about other browsers? I've noticed that you had a few issues with Throium in particular, but does this happen with Brave, Vivaldi, Chromium, etc?

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Just to add a little more, is it possible that your mouse (or touchpad?) may be right clicking but also slightly making a middle click action. That's what the default setting I think is, if you click the scroll wheel, it should open your link into a new tab. Some mice have this issue even if you don't click the middle mouse yourself.

I have experienced this quite a bit as well.

I can confirm that only one right click is performed, but what happens is that as the menu opens, the option that is under the cursor at that moment activates on that click as well and is also performed.
This is not a Wayland issue.

Are you using Gnome or XFCE?

On Gnome
Launch Dfonf-editor:
Check /org/gnome/desktop/a11y/mouse/ and ensure dwell click is disabled.
Check for secondary or long click and ensure that neither is enabled if present.

You also can try enabling secondary click and lengthening the secondary click time. (I would not try this first).
You can check if using any Gnome Extensions that may be causing conflict.

Using panel properties for panel launchers, check that launchers do not have "Activate on Hover" enabled.

In Settings ManagerWindow Manager TweaksFocus tab ensure that focus follows mouse and automatically give windows focus on hover (Or something like that, my memory may be a little off) are both disabled.
Move to accessibility and ensure Slow Keys or Sticky keys are disabled (This one is a long shot). Also that Mouse Emulation is disabled.

As @applecheeks37 points out - you might try testing with a different mouse (hardware).

Last Resort is to backup and reset your home config folder to default - I do not recommend this as I have tried this numerous times without it making any difference, so I won't detail it again here in this post.

Personally, I think that this is an input bug - I have never solved it when I experienced it. I list the above ideas as they may help you.


@Aravisian , @applecheeks37 , @zenzen ,

I happen to have a wireless mouse that works by plugging in a USB dongle. I just tried that and it didnt solve or change anything.

Also i dont know what @applecheeks37 means by middle click action. My touch pad has only a left and right click button, no middle.

My wireless mouse has a scroll wheel click function which appears to be a middle click button though.

@Aravisian ,
I tried all your suggestions, I am using Gnome.

I tried Dfonf-editor, it was already disabled.

I also tried enabling secondary click, this didnt help.

I also turned off Gnome Extensions completely and that didnt help.

So nothing solved the problem yet.

I did notice that it happens more with Thorium than with Chrome browser. And doesnt appear to happen with Firefox.

However what is different also about Thorium is how many right click menu options I have. This may be causing it, but also if @Aravisian is having the issue too, he likely is right that it is a OS bug.
This sucks.

Kernel bug, actually - Input side.
I have encountered it on XFCE and on Gnome. Nothing I ever tried fixed it.

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The fact that it happens on an external mouse seems to point to an issue somewhere in the system, yes. Maybe is a bug at the kernel level, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that this happens at the application level, as otherwise you'd see the same bug with all context menus.

Have you tried to disable all extensions and see if you can still reproduce this? I noticed from your video that you have installed an extension that may have something to do with mouse gestures (going by the icon, is it Mouse Gesture Events)? I just installed it in Brave and the context menu functionality went away entirely.


"I just installed it in Brave and the context menu functionality went away entirely."

What did u install in brave?

2.) I just disabled both mouse related browser extensions and it still happens, unfortunately.

@Aravisian , what browsers does it malfunction with for you? Chrome, firefox, brave? or all three?

Ungoogled Chromium, but I see this behavior in other applications, the app menu, panel launchers... For me, it is not restricted to just browsers.

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@Aravisian , Can you please check firefox and Chrome browser?
And can you tell me a specific other application I can try myself to see if its happening with me too?

I'm seriously considering downgrading to Zorin16. This right click function going haywire and clicking random things is actually a security threat. I hope you guys will escalate this bug report and have it looked at quickly.

I have used both and do not recall experiencing it FireFox. But I do not often experience it - less with the browser. It is primarily in context menus that I see this and often, I can mitigate it by slowing down...

Chrome Browser would be the same as Ungoogled Chromium.

My mouse seemed very oversensitive too, not sure if it was the same problem. Most noticeably when pasting items with the middle which would often paste twice or working in Inkscape, when selecting an item with a single click ended up turning on the node tool.

I changed batteries in the mouse and that did not help. I verified in terminal that each of my mouse buttons was registering a double click quite frequently. I changed the mouse click speed in accessibility to 1/2 way and I rarely have the problem now.

I don't know if this is similar to your problem because my mouse was actually doubling input for 1 click, not just selecting the option as the menu opens. I'm just adding this in case someone has a problem similar to mine and finds your thread.

EDIT: Actually I better add in case someone else does come trouble shooting, I checked my mouse in terminal by

xinput list

then picking my device id from the list and running

xinput test 8

or whatever device id it was. Keep the mouse still and press right, left, middle over and over.


I just ran xinput test and definitely the press release triggers the option in the context menu (Because the context menu for terminal kept opening while testing). The option selected was "open new terminal window" and for a moment, with me having a race condition with a mouse... my screen looked like it was 1998 AOL pop up window ads.

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What is the op wanting to achieve when right clicking a link? I mean which option do they want? I don't suppose there is a way to remap it.

Yes, you can remap using xinput (replace EXAMPLE-ID with the mouse ID from xinput list and A B C with left, middle, right click buttons) Remember that this is X11:

xinput set-button-map EXAMPLE-ID A B C

Reset to default:

xinput set-button-map EXAMPLE-ID 1 2 3

Gnome users can use Gnome Tweaks to navigate Mouse and Touchpad > behavior and lengthen the timeout for right click - I think...

That may get annoying when using it elsewhere.

I think a user can test this...

On my machine, on three different mice - Let's say I right click to open a menu, then holding the button down, hover the cursor over a menu list option.
I keep the button held down as I do this.
I count out twenty five full seconds. I gently release the button...
The option is selected.

It seems as though the right click "press release" is treated as Left click selection "press release" instead of only left click having that.

When you hurry, this can happen a lot.


I can't test it, on my pc the mouse is never on the menu when it opens. But that could be a solution for the op, instead of right clicking to open, then letting go and left clicking to select, they can right click HOLD to open, hover to the one they want and then let go. They may like it better (when they adjust to it) as it sounds like an increase in performance and less work.


Never mind, I see what you're saying now.


I am sorry - I was very unclear. Moving too fast, same as I do with the mouse.
I mean that a user can test if adjusting the timeout in Gnome Tweaks mouse settings helps them resolve this, given human differences.

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