How can I do Zorin factory reset

Factory reset problem in zorin

Realistically, the best method would be to back up your important data and files, then reinstall Zorin OS.

Once you have installed all the applications you require you have a number of options.

  1. Create a complete system image using Rescuezilla:
  1. Using ‘Disks’ to create a Disk Image - but I have never tried this method and not sure of its efficacy:

  1. Install Timeshift (hope Team Zorin include it in the next release!)

Here you would say save the first snapshot after you have installed everything as you want it and save the snapshot to an external device.


how do you reinstall zorin?

Re-installation is the same as the initial installation:

Please be sure to backup all personal files you do not want to lose. Recommend backing up only your Home Folder contents excluding the >local and .config directories.
If you use Firefox, save a compressed copy of .mozilla or use Zorin “Back Ups” utility (Deja Dup).