How do I create wifi hotspot connection?

Dear forum of Zorin

( I apologize in advance but I couldn't find the section regarding the first topic to say the first greeting to the community )

I have only hotspot internet by smartphone Android.
I do not know which data to insert and what type of data to insert and enable.

I installed the latest version of Zorin Lite:

1 at the bottom right I have enabled the network features
2 I created a new WiFi connection
3 but now there are many tabs: general wi-fi security WiFi proxy etc

I tried to look at the web guide or something but I couldn't find anything. I'll admit that I'm new to all Linux Word.


Hi, and welcome!

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, could you clarify? Once you initiate the hotspot on your smartphone, it will generate a Wi-Fi access point that you can connect to just like any other network.

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