How do I downgrade to Lite version from full?

How do I downgrade to lite version from full?

It would not be a Downgrade and Zorin Core is not a “full” version. Zorin Lite and Zorin Core all come with the same essentials. The only major difference is the Desktop Environment.
Zorin Core does come with Zorin Connect while Zorin Lite does not- but this is only because the Gnome Extension needs Gnome (Which is what Core uses). However, you can install KDE Connect on Zorin Lite.
If you would like to use Zorin Lite- the best option is to install Zorin Lite in the same manner that you had installed Zorin Core.

I've heard good things about Zorin Connect and I'd like to try it out. How exactly would I do this? Would it change the XFCE DE that I currently have with Lite?

KDE Connect is an app, not a Desktop environment. It will have no effect on your current Zorin Os Lite Desktop Environment.
You can install it with

sudo apt install kdeconnect

Get the indicator (EDIT The indicator May or May not be included in the Ubuntu Repo. Check first, by opening app menu and typing in the App search "kde" and see if the indicator is present. If it is, drop down to the Firewall Commands below. If it is not, carry on from here.):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vikoadi/ppa

sudo apt update

sudo apt install indicator-kdeconnect

Punch a hole for it in your firewall:

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp

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Awesome! (The KDE indicator came with the initial KDE Connect installation.) KDE Connect is now operational for me, thanks! It appears to have some very useful features for transfering files and links!